Luxury Safe Bunkers

This video was just posted today (4th May) and vaguely its about rich people building underground bunkers to keep them safe in event of some kind of dystopian collapse of society. These bunkers are assumed to be in New Zealand which in theory is the safest place to be in event of such a scenario. The narrator comments on how the local airport regularly runs out of space fo private jets, which goes to show how large the population of wealthy people is. Just found the video intersting as it reinforces my concept that it would be the rich 1% of people who could afford and would be interested in finding a new, safe home in event of dystopian disaster future (ie fight for resources being the most likely scenario), could Mars really be the answer after all? The more I get into this project the more realistic the concept seems. Even if not due to a dystopian disaster, but even a utopian new civilisation on Mars, both ideas are equally compelling!


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