Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Education BA Placement Opportunities

One of the key aspects of the Education BA (Hons) is the wide variety of placement opportunities available to help students develop key skills and gain experience in potential career areas.

During their second year, students have the opportunity to go on placement and spend time in organisations such as school settings, child and young person’s services, local authorities, charities and community-led organisations in both the UK and overseas.

The course prides itself on the freedom offered to students to choose their own pathway in an area of education they are most passionate about.

Two of our students are about to embark on very different experiences:

Jess Harper is keen to explore an area of education that she has never experienced before and so will be completing her eight week placement at an international school in Espoo, Finland.

The school teaches English language to both international and Finnish families so that they have the knowledge, skills and linguistic abilities to study in English speaking higher education institutions.

During her time there, Jess plans to focus and conduct her own research on well-being. She is hoping that the experience will help her to develop new skills from both a personal and professional aspect.

Caroline Gawley has chosen to carry out her eight week placement in a learning and development department of the Police force.

She will be focusing on adult-based learning and will carry out a small-scale study into the motivation to attend mandatory training for police officers.

Although Caroline finds a school setting engaging, she has chosen to look into learning and development of adults at work because she wanted to explore an area of education totally different to anything studied before.

Caroline said “I’m really grateful that this course is flexible enough for me to explore such a range of issues relating to education”.

Both placements will be an excellent experience for both Jess and Caroline to add to their CVs as well as enabling them to put theory into practice. We wish them the best of luck.

Find out more about our Education BA (Hons) on the University of Brighton Website.

Christina Camm • February 21, 2017

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