Building An Effective Email Marketing Campaign


Source: (Alam,2016)

Email Marketing

Email marketing is believed to have outperformed social media by 60% reflected by internet marketers (Zhel,2016). However, one could argue the credibility and reputation of the author. Furthermore, is there other evidence online that supports this claim. E-mail marketing is considered an important medium used by organisation in order  to build and maintain closer relationships with customers emphasised by (McCloskey,
2006, Chaffey et al, 2003). Evidence, suggests that email marketing is about building better relationships stressed by (Baggott & Sales ,2007) . Email can be seen as a powerful tool (Wedge,2013).

Useful links below to why use email marketing:

It would be vital in this exercise to analyse critically an email marketing campaign and suggests improvements. Readers can look forward to images, academic references and comparisons made with useful links. Lets start by discussing Krispy Kreme.

Krispy Kreme Logo                                                            Source: (Krispy Kreme, 2016)

This organisation was founded by Vernon Rudolph (KrispyKreme,2016). First opened on the 13th July in Old Salem in Weston-Salam in the United States in North Carolina. An multinational business operating in a variety of different countries. Example of some countries include: United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Mexico. This organisation is a franchise that specialises in creating a variety of fresh doughnuts and coffee. Target Audience is primarily a young adults aged 20-30 years old.

For more information click the links below:

Company background(KrispyKreme,2016)

Additional information about the Krispy Kreme business plan(Stirling,2012).

Source: Krispy Kreme’s Glazed Donuts | Fast Food Mania-(DestinationAmerica, 2012)

               Email Marketing Campaign-Krispy Kreme             

click on the images below to see them bigger!



Krispy Kreme email campaign critically analysed


Krispy Kreme used personalisation well by using customers name gives the email a personal touch. Personalised email provides companies with the opportunity to maximise returns generated by 6% higher compared to non-personalised (Gesenhues,2014; Wegert,2014). However, figures could change over the years. Figures need to be up-to-date figures to provide a true representation. “Personalised subject lines are 26% increase in being opened and 760% increase within email revenue” (Campaignmonitor,2016). Consequently customers need to be weary about cyber security from; identity theft, credit fraud and personal greetings identified by (Fox school news and releases, 2012).An improvement suggested is organisations should conduct research into minimising customer reduce risks online and counter threats.

Using Social Media

Krispy Kreme uses of social media very well within the email campaign to connect new customers. An interesting point raised is that organisations can gain two top benefits from using social media these are; increasing exposure and increasing traffic (Stelzner,2014). Social media offers a unique opportunity for organisations to make use of the sheer volume of users available on social media platforms, by engaging to forge new customer connections.

Click on the image to enlarge:

users-of-social-media-2                                                               Source: (Statista,2016)

Organisations spend alot of revenue to gain new customers on social media sites such as Facebook. Future marketing budgets could be wasted. This is because 67.65 millions users on Facebook are suggested of being fake last month (Protalinski,2014).  Organisations should think carefully about these different building blocks framework shown below and how social media efforts are meeting customers needs and expectations!

honey-combSource: (Kietzmann, et al,2011)

The framework could be improved by showing how organisations can track their performance and dealing with cyber threats. Krispy Kreme could improve the social media links being embedded within the email campaign by always using latest and popular sources of social media and positioned at the top.

Professional and appealing

Great use of professional images and appealing to the target market. Informal friendly language appeals to the target market. Krispy Kreme does well in incorporating company logo’s colours used throughout the email giving a consistent look of professionalism. Another positive is the subject line is bold and to the point. It is vital that email is simple and quick to scan, emphasised by (Chatoff,2016). One improvement, can be suggesting having the brand logo positioned to the “top-left enabling the recipient to be more engaged” (Ellis-Chadwick & Doherty, 2012).

brand-logo-positioning                                             Source: (Ellis-Chadwick & Doherty, 2012)

Call to action (CTA)

Krispy Kreme could have made this bold, clear to stand out. The call to action message is still appealing in terms of the use of informal language and friendly tone! One improvement is results can be tracked to monitor performance. Papa Johns CTA stands out by a bold green button and bold writing.


                  Papa Johns Email

Landing Page

krispy-kreme-treats-2Source: (KrispyKreme, 2016)


This is desirable and attractive. Information flows well and everything is relevant to email. Furthermore, easy to scan with simple designs and few elements to engage customers, which matches Gutenberg Diagram shown below. “Customers can gaze at all four quadrants so relevant content is less likely to be missed”. Krispy Kreme could see other affective landing pages and learn from them to improve.

modelSource: (Hernandez & Resnick, 2013)

Click here: Landing Pages examples (Mineo,2016)


An effective email campaign requires a variety of features to meet the target market. Overall, Krispy Kreme can make many improvements to their email marketing efforts. Call to action button could stands out more. Having the company logo on the top left corner to engage customers. Being up-to-date in terms of the latest trends in social media to meet customers needs and expectations. Having social media embedded at the top right corner to utilise the power of social media. Tracking information is a significant importance to evaluate the performance of the email marketing campaign.


Alam, G (2016) 5 Reasons You Must Buy or Rent an Email List [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 28th October 2016]

Baggott, C & Sales,  A (2007) EMAIL MARKETING  by the NUM8ERS, How to Use the World’s Greatest Marketing Tool to Take Any Organization to the Next Level. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Businessmarketingplan, (2016) Advantages and Disadvantages of Email Marketing[Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 26th October 2016]

Campaignmonitor, (2016) The new rules of email marketing [Online] Available at:<> [Accessed 29th October 2016]

Chaffey D, Mayer R, Johnston K, Ellis-Chadwick, FE (2003) ”Business-to-Business Internet Marketing”, in Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Chaffey, D. (ed), Pearson Education – China Machine Press, Harlow, Essex.

Chatoff, L., (2016) Email news and strategy [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 31st October 2016]

DestinationAmerica (2012) Krispy Kreme’s Glazed Donuts Fast Food Mania [Video Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 28th October 2016]

Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona and Doherty, Neil F. (2012). Web advertising: the role of email marketing. Journal of Business Research,Vol 65,(Issue:6), pp. 843–848.

Fox School News and Releases (2012) Dear[insert company name],personalized emails don’t impress customers [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 1st November 2016]

Gesenhues, A (2014) Study: Personalized Emails Deliver 6X Higher Transaction Rates, But 70% Of Brands Fail to Use Them [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 28th October 2016]

Hernandez, A., & Resnick, M. L. (2013, September). Placement of Call to Action Buttons for Higher Website Conversion and Acquisition An Eye Tracking Study. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 1042-1046). SAGE Publications.

Kietzmann,J,H., Mermkens, K., McCarthy, I, P., Silvestre, B, S.,(2011) Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media (Business Horizons), Vol 54, Issue 3, pp. 241-251.

Kolowich, L (2016) 15 of the Best Email Marketing Campaign Examples You’ve Ever Seen [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 28th October 2016]

Krispykreme, (2016) doughnuts and coffee since 1937 [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 26th October 2016]

Krispykreme, (2016) SHARING THE JOY around the World [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 27th October 2016]

Krispykreme, (2016) Friends of Krispy Kreme [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 31st October 2016]

McCloskey, W. (2006) E-mail Data Source, Retail White Paper, New York.

Mineo, G, (2016) 16 of the Best Landing Page Design Examples You Need to See [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 3rd October 2016]

Protalinski, E (2014) Facebook estimates that between 5.5% and 11.2% of accounts are fake [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 1st October 2016]

Smartinsights,(2016) Email marketing [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 26th October 2016]

Statista, (2016) Most famous social network sites worldwide as of September 2016, ranked by number of active users (in millions) [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 1st November 2016]

Stelzner MA .,(2014) How Marketers Are Using Social Media to Grow Their Businesses. SocialMedia, Marketing Industry Report.

Stirling, S (2012) Krispy Kreme Business Plan [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 27th October 2016]

Wedge, (2013) Why Email Marketing is More Powerful Than Social Media [Online] Available at:<>[Accessed 29th October 2016]

Zhel, M (2016) Email Marketing vs Social Media Performance in 2016 [Online] Available at: <>[Accessed 28th October 2016]

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