Week 6 Virtual community

Week 6-

Involved looking into the evaluation of technical teaching. Within the lecture we questioned what technology allowed us to do and what we actually want it it do. After the reading set for this week I found the lecture allowed for a stronger understanding and helped me understand some points and information I was slightly less confident about.

From the lecture and seminar I have learnt that there is a big separation in what we understand and think about the freedom we have within the media. I personally found questioning and talking about this subject helpful as it has a direct impact in relation to my readings. we think privacy and freedom are something we have control over but maybe we don’t? maybe this isn’t true? These questions prepare me for my presentation. My presentation that is due the following week is about ” Privacy Within a Networked Society”. 

 Place/Identity/ community Territorial –The place that you have been for a long time and have connected to so therefor place pride in your community. Virtual Community- is free from the confines of Geography. This is something that is not directed to reality participants. It is a chance that you make.. this gives us the feeling of FREEDOM.

understanding the development of why people used the internet and what interested them i.g Fandom, sexting, political participation enabled me to have more of an input within the seminar. referencing the WELL to describe the first form of a community within the internet showed my understanding.

In conclusion I found this seminar and lecture to be a great help. I enjoyed talking about my experience with online privacy and community. I gave an example of being part of a youth theatre for 4 years as my experience with being part of a community.

I enjoyed the group work within this seminar as it gives us a chance to here each other views and options on the topic, watching relevant video is something I enjoyed too as it was more interactive and chill



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