Learning Analytics – getting a picture of student engagement and performance


Learning Analytics (LAs) is a rapidly growing area in formal education that is worth paying attention to because of its rising prevalence and its power to help both students and teachers maximise course performance. The University of Brighton is expanding its successful learning analytics pilot. Here’s a quick overview for you:

What are Learning Analytics?

LAs piece together separate streams of information on learners’ activities to paint an overall picture of engagement with, and progress through, a taught course. This information is presented digitally (usually via a dashboard) in a meaningful way to help students assess where they are on the course (often in comparison to cohort averages) and to help teachers monitor their students’ engagement and the effectiveness of teaching interventions.

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Prezi for Education – a versatile and engaging way to present information

CJ Taylor profile photo CJ Taylor
BSMS Learning Technologist

Using Prezi for teaching and learning

Prezi is a presentation platform used in both business and education that seeks to break away from the usual linear presentation. It is a more versatile alternative to PowerPoint and other liner platforms, providing a slicker way to present ideas.Instead of presenting content one slide at a time, Prezi lets you move around the information and zoom out to see the big picture and zoom in to focus on minute details or examine further supporting material. What’s better is that it is has a free version!

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Software enables secure online exams for BSMS students

After a successful pilot last year, some of the postgraduate taught courses at BSMS have started delivering fully electronic exams. Last month, students studying on the Clinical Radiology course completed multiple-choice exams for the module topics Anatomy and Physics, which were delivered through University of Brighton’s ‘studentcentral’ virtual learning environment and secure software, Impero.

Nick Feather
Nick Feather

Apart from the obvious benefit of exam attempts being automatically scored by the system, there were additional positive reasons for trialling this online delivery over a paper-based approach:

Firstly, a comprehensive question bank can be developed within studentcentral which can be adapted to create individual exams; you don’t have to create the test in another piece of software. If using multiple-choice, the correct answer can be set within the system and all relevant staff (internal and external) can be provided with access. Studentcentral also supports essay style answers for online exams.

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