TAKE FIVE – online bitesize courses from University of Sussex TEL team

  • Digital Productivity – 12-16 June
  • Blogs – 19-23 June
  • LinkedIn – 26-20 June
  • Podcasting and Screencasting – 3-7 July

Take 5 online bitesize courses offer staff at the University of Sussex the opportunity to gain an insight into four interesting learning technology topics. The short self-study courses aim to provide you with an introduction to these topics, highlighting the ways in which they can be useful in a teaching and learning context and in day to day life.

Hosted on Study Direct, the courses are designed for those who may be too busy to attend a one or two hour workshop meaning that each day of the course can be completed during a lunch break or spare time. Each course is split into five ‘bitesize’ pieces – one a day over a working week. The daily sections will help you to define, discover, design and develop the chosen topic and on the fifth day, ‘high 5’, which contains top tips from an expert.

Each day builds your understanding to give you a solid foundation. Members of the Technology Enhanced Learning team will be available throughout the courses should you have any questions or wish to learn more about any of the topics.

See www.sussex.ac.uk/tel/workshops for details and booking

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