According to a study examined by Chadwick and Doherty, there are many different tactics used within email marketing in order to draw in customers from the email to the landing page of the website, and the whole way through the process until they have completed the transaction.

There are of course many ways of completing this process, and companies are having to become more creative with every email they send.

I have chosen to examine  a personal email I have received from Pretty Little Thing (PLT), which is attempting to market the brand to me, and includes an abundance of executional tactics.

The first tactic visual to myself as a customer is the use of personalisation within the subject line, with the use of my first name, ‘Beth’. According to Chadwick et al., this concept has been ‘developed from print advertising’ , and attracts the customer as they feel the content of the email is personal to them, therefore making it seem more important, (2012). The subject line is the first point of contact and acts as the trigger to encourage customer click-through.

Once clicking to open the email, it takes you directly to the open email. The open face of the email is striking with the combination of a bright pink background, repetition of the logo and the moving animation in the middle of the screen.  Animation, again, is another widely used technique and adds some excitement to the email. As well as this, it is a low cost, high impact addition to their marketing campaigns.


The main body of the email is image heavy, and contains minimal text. The content is based around the product that they are marketing – clothes. Therefore, they have decided to use the space to their full advantage and showcase what they label as their ‘hot right now’ pieces. This keeps the email current and entices the reader by showing fashionable pieces, that other customers are buying. Furthermore, the use of the ‘30% OFF EVERYTHING’ as a large image is unmissable when opening the email. PLT have done this as again a large discount will trigger a customer to click through to their website and possibly purchase.

Finally, when scrolling further down to the bottom of the email, PLT provides the customer with ways to follow and get in touch. They have visualised an image of a polaroid, and showcased through the use of a rotational animation, four poignant images that highlight their new collections directly from their instagram. This feature not only encourages the consumer to follow through to look at these clothes on the website, but also get in touch and follow their social media. To make it even easier they have included a hyperlink that consumers can use to follow them. The use of linking alternative social medias is extremely important for brand conscious companies, as they are once again growing their outreach, and are then able to market on even more platforms.



I am a Business with Economics student, studying Digital Marketing at Brighton Business School.