Email Marketing for a small business: Striking the right email tone with customers | Stef G’s blog

The right tone of voice is key to establishing a businesses and the way customers view the business. According to Cummings (2015) a tone of voice is… ‘’not what you say, but how you say it. This encompasses not only the words you choose, but their order, rhythm and pace. Rather confusingly, when seen in the world of business and marketing, the phrase ‘tone of voice’ refers to written – rather than spoken – words. A company’s tone of voice will inform all of its written copy, including its website, social media messages, emails and packaging’’.

Email marketing usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness (Mohammadi, Malekian, Nosrati, & Karimi, 2013). But this can all be CHANGED if the tone is wrong. Email marketing, should display a ‘good customer service tone’; by not appearing too pushy or sales focused, with the ultimate aim of building a relationship over time… Emails should be sent to gently ‘remind’ customers of the product or behaviour (Mohammadi, Malekian, Nosrati, & Karimi, 2013). You can also use a blend of soft sale and CTA’s in a single email; e.g., if a customer registered on-site and didn’t return (e.g the Gym email example I mentioned in my email frequency blog post) and ask if they need assistance or encountered a problem, whilst still placing a CTA in an email (Mohammadi, Malekian, Nosrati, & Karimi, 2013).

via Email Marketing for a small business: Striking the right email tone with customers | Stef G’s blog.

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