Brands doing similar things

When thinking about what my project is turning into it seems as though it is a sort of creative hub/community that explores fashion and art. Mark put me onto a couple of other companies that do similar things; in this post i’ll analyse them and try to draw inspiration from them.

Patternity’s aesthetic is all “patterns with meaning”. Although they do a range of things including events, creative direction, pattern design and multi platform campaigns they have a continuous theme of patterns which keeps their brand consistent. They have developed into more than a blog and have been able to form a business out of their love of patterns which is interesting.

At the moment my project is along the same lines as a creative blog however, looking to the future it could develop more into a creative direction agency that stays consistent with the aesthetics I have created. However, Patternity have established values and context which is definitely something I need to develop further in my own brand.

Patternity’s website and branding aesthetic is quite minimal as a lot of their content is involves patterns. I believe that they have done this as to not distract or over power the content they present. Their Instagram is a mixture of quotes and pattern imagery and it seems they get their content from other creators who submit work to them, as seen above. This is a good way of promoting creators and gathering content without having to make everything themselves.

It’s Nice That is more focused on graphic design but it’s still along the same lines as a creative agency. They have a website, magazine and of course social media platforms. They promote creatives work in a blog format and discuss contemporary themes within the context of art and design. I really like their ‘ones to watch’ section as I like the idea of promoting up and coming artists/creatives. Although they can do that as they have a large platform it would be nice to incorporate other peoples work onto my own social media platform and build a community around my brand.

It’s Nice That’s Instagram is also a collection of collaborations and sharing creators work. Their aesthetic is clearly a lot more colourful and bold and even though they present a wide range of work it all seems to be cohesive, which is key with in keeping It’s Nice That’s brand.

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