I think those countries in Northern Europe are really well known for their great designs. They do something really simple but aesthetic.

When I was traveling around Stockholm, I found out why they say so.

Even the display at the clothing store looked nice. I really liked the colour pallet. The exotic pattern reminded me of beautiful islands in Southeast Asia.

The milk packaging on the first shelf captured my eyes. It made me just want to buy it, and I did. It was just normal milk, but it has got more flavour than the milk in the UK. I was able taste a hint of the cheese? At the same time, it made me think about the importance of package design.

Fika can be explained as the word for afternoon tea in Sweden. They often drink coffee with pastries, cookies or pie, though. The cinnamon bun is really popular in Sweden and Norway. It seems like Sweden and Norway have got quite similar things.

I bought this tea coaster at the design shop called Designtorget. The shop was full of simple and unique design products. I really liked the Swedish letter Ö, which looks like a surprised face. Even the word bread and beer in Swedish has got this letter in it, bröd and öl.

This shop was full of cute products for kids. I was quite interested in their books.