I tried to make a video that shows the process of packing journey suitcase with the clay figures, which I have made before, but it was hard to keep the camera still, and I didn’t enjoy the outcome that much.

This video above is the first video that I have made with my clay figures. It was quite hard to set all of the features in the frame and film them at the same time, I always ended up losing control over them.

I thought it would be a lot better for me to paint and use the collage technique that I have developed through this project to make a video.

Therefore, I made this video above. I painted the clay figures, cut them out, and put them in an order while scanning each steps, rather than photographing them.

I had to do some editing in order to make them linked smoothly, and in a same scale.

It worked quite well and I enjoyed this video a lot more than the clay figure one.