After making the box, which will be the stage, I moved on to make the props. From the previous experience with making the pop-up cards, I knew I need to make : few sad children holding the candles, trees in the back, bushes in the front, and the campfire.

To make sure they can blend into the background, I used the same material, watercolour. However, I wanted to give a depth on my stage, so I tried to add more details with coloured pencils this time.

I really enjoyed making those colourful, unreal bushes and trees. I made more children props this time than before, to fill my stage.

It was really hard to decide the materials for the campfire. After doing several experiments with different materials, I found that using the thick plastic sheet and acrylic colours work the best. I used coloured pencils to add some details for this fire as well.

However, I found that this fire still was not transparent enough to see the children behind it, so I peeled out some of them with my scalpel. I really liked how the fire look like.