3 Ways You Can Utilize Instagram to Promote Your Business!

Most companies are too focused on “traditional” social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and their missing out on a new opportunity: Instagram. Instagram has seen the most engagement, fastest growth and high conversion rate from browser to user, according to a study conducted by Olapic and research firm L2. According to their research, Engagement on Instagram is 15 times that of Facebook’s, with users spending an average of 257 minutes per month. In addition, if your target market is a relatively young audience, Instagram is exactly what you need. Over 90% of the 150 million people on Instagram are under the age 35, which make it an attractive platform for 18-34 year old age bracket (Smith, 2014). However, you might be thinking, “I want to start Instagram for business but how would I do so exactly?” No worries. These are 3 ways you can utilize Instagram to promote your business.

Balance the type of images you post

You might be thinking that you absolutely have to post picture that has to do with your business. However, that’s not the way to go in the realm of Instagram. Firstly, you’ll probably run out of images to use if you keep posting business-related pictures all the time. What you can do is, have a healthy balance of fun and interactive images and business pictures. Take advantage of the vast user base you have with Instagram web page to tell a story with the images (Sprung, 2013). For example, Anthropologie, a popular apparel brand, has a great mix of fun images and business related pictures. They posted a puppy picture with received around 7,600 likes, and most of their business related pictures only receive around 3,000 likes. This shows that it’s important to throw a curve ball sometimes, to have your followers entertained and interactive with you.

Host contests!

Most companies who use Instagram host photo contests. Photo contests are a great way to create engagement with your brand and your followers, and simultaneously get more Instagram followers. Companies can easily host contests on Instagram by asking them to follow and embed a particular hashtag on their pictures. This will potentially increase followers by word-of-mouth if your contest is attractive enough for the users to share to their friends. Word-of-mouth has been shown to influence a variety of conditions: awareness, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, behavioral intentions and behavior (Buttle, 1998). For example, Sony hosted a photo contest by asking their users to post anything that represents love. Then, they will have to tag #Sonylove on their picture, and one person was chosen at random everyday to win a $50 Sony Store gift card. This is a great way to reward your users by following your business account, and create engagement at the same time.

Follow your followers and comment on their relevant photos

To create a digital relationship with your customers, be sure to follow back whoever followed you. Most brands on Instagram don’t follow back. In addition, if they post about your product on Instagram, be sure to check it and comment on it. This will create trust between your customers, which is crucial for your company to succeed. Not only comment, but be sure to reply and answer to customer feedback on the comment section. This will inform the users that there is someone that actually cares about them, and not just a robot behind the account.

I hope these 3 methods will get you started on Instagram! What other methods do you recommend when using Instagram for business? Please comment below!


Buttle, F. A. (1998). Word of mouth: Understanding and managing referral marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 6(3), 241-254. doi:10.1080/096525498346658

Smith, C. (2014, August 17). Here’s Why Instagram’s Demographics Are So Attractive To Brands. Retrieved May 5, 2016, from http://www.techinsider.io/instagram-demographics-2013-12

Sprung, R. (2013, January 23). 5 Ways Marketers Can Use Instagram : Social Media Examiner. Retrieved May 5, 2016, from http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/5-ways-marketers-can-use-instagram/

Truong, A. (2014, February 13). This Report Shows Why Brands Should Embrace Instagram (If They Haven’t Already). Retrieved May 5, 2016, from http://www.fastcompany.com/3026419/fast-feed/this-report-shows-why-brands-should-embrace-instagram-if-the-havent-already

3 Ways to Make Your App Go VIRAL!

There are more than 3 billion mobile apps in both The App Store and Google Play. The competition is getting tougher and tougher by the minute, and how will YOU make your app well-known? Going viral means that your app is sharable, and is worth sharing. Everybody talks about it, and it’s all over social media. It’s safe to say that every mobile developer’s dream is for their app to become wide-spread. Eric Ries, Author of The Lean Startup, proposed a term “viral coefficient” which, if it’s greater than 1 it will lead to exponential growth, and a viral coefficient less than 1 will hardly lead to any growth. Below is the formula.

viral coefficient = (average number of users invited by each active user who invites someone) × (proportion of invited users who actually join or become active) × (proportion of active users who invite others)

However, Subramani and Rajagopalan (2003) mentions that, “there needs to be a greater understanding of the contexts in which viral marketing strategy works and the characteristics of products and services for which it is most effective. This is particularly important because the inappropriate use of viral marketing can be counterproductive by creating unfavorable attitudes towards products.” How will you do so? To give you a little push, here’s 3 ways to make your app get an edge over your competitors and go viral.

Simple and effortless UI

UI stands for user interface. Nowadays, it is important to find the middle of usefulness and design. No one wants a crammed app, not knowing the buttons do. The best app appears “effortless,” and it creates a flow in your app. To do so, you have to trim all the unnecessary “obstacles” and offer a quick and easily understandable interface. For example, social media sign-ins. It’s a click away from signing in, and the user doesn’t have to go through unnecessary username and password inputs. One more thing, put emphasis and effort in to the first screen user sees after logging in. Instead of leaving the user confused on what to do, give a hand and clearly show what you can do with the app and start sharing.


If you want to encourage a user to share and spread their network, you should reward them for doing so. This isn’t anything special, its purely psychological. Us humans love rewards. For example, for every 5 friends a user invites and connects, he/she gets an extra theme. More example of rewards can be extra storage (tunnelbear.com does this), discounts, and so forth. Be creative with it!

Transparency & Privacy

Not only your app has to be valuable to share, but it has to keep transparency so your users has confidence in terms of privacy. This means that, after you implement social-media sign ins, be sure to add a little message above that says something along the lines of, “We won’t share anything on your timeline, promise!” and be sure to keep the promise. Always give your users control over what is being shared online. Even if it’s a killer app, it will never go viral if the company doesn’t keep their transparency.

Those were the 3 main tips on creating a viral app. However, before you consider any of these, be sure that you have a clever and well-thought design and an idea! Do you have any other tips? Be sure to comment below!


Top 7 launch Tactics That Make Your Mobile App Go Viral at First Day | Credencys Solutions Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2016, from http://www.credencys.com/blog/Top-7-launch-tactics-that-make-your-mobile-app-go-viral-at-first-day.html

White, C. (2013, August 19). Key Ingredients To Make Your App Go Viral – Smashing Magazine. Retrieved April 23, 2016, from https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/08/key-ingredients-to-make-your-app-go-viral/

Leskovec, J., Adamic, L. A., and Huberman, B. A. 2007. The dynamics of viral marketing. ACM Trans. Web, 1, 1, Article 5 (May 2007), 39 pages. DOI = 10.1145/1232722.1232727 http://doi.acm.org/ 10.1145/1232722.1232727

3 Ways to Make Your Blog Post Attractive and Compelling

In my previous blog post, I ranted how crucial it is to blog for your business. That may have convinced you to write one, but out of millions of bloggers out there, it’s extremely hard for yours to stand out in the crowd. But don’t panic! There are ways to make your blog attractive and compelling that readers can’t resist but read through. Here’s 3 easy ways you can do right now to attract readers to your blog.

Accurate title

People underestimate the title. A lot. Most bloggers focus on the content too much, and leave the title with minimal effort. However, people seem to forget that titles are what sell the content. It’s the first thing everyone sees on emails, social media, and search engines. No one would care to open your blog, no matter how great the content is if the title isn’t compelling enough.

Come up with an accurate, crafty title, thats very specific. For example, say you write a post called “Sports and Health Benefits.” This gives a sense of what the blog is about, but it’s not very specific. Instead, you can modify it and say “X Benefits Your Body Will Gain by Playing Sports.” In addition, being accurate and clarifying your blog will greatly increase your viewers, as it sets clear expectations for your readers. A study conducted by HubSpot concluded that headlines with clarification, such as [Infographic] and [Interview] at the end of the title performed 38% better than headlines without clarification. That’s an substantial amount considering how easy it is to implement. Also, keep the title short. Get to the point from the first word. According to HubSpot Analysis, headlines between 8-12 words got the most Twitter shares. For Facebook, lengths between 12-14 got the most likes.


Hook your readers

The first few sentences after the headline determines if your viewer is going to keep reading through the blog or simply close the tab. No one wants to read tedious blog posts that doesn’t address the problem and the solution until the very last. Introduction is the part which require the best writing. However, the good news is, it doesn’t have to be very long. It’s about 3-4 sentences long, and straightforward. Before you talk about the actual problem, start off by writing the general idea and the frustration the potential viewer is going through with the problem. Sympathizing with your viewer is crucial. Then, hint a solution. For example, you can say “But wait! Here’s X ways you can change that.” The sudden reveal that you have a solution to that specific frustrating experience will hook your readers to read on for sure.

Scannable content

In reality, its a rare case that a viewer reads the blog word for word. This is especially true in a very long blog post. Nobody got time for that. With millions of content produced every minute, we have been accustomed to separating the “noise” that has little to no advantage in reading and actual useful content. So what do most people do? They scan. You can’t expect your viewers to read your blog word for word. I will guarantee you that people will miss that crucial data of yours in the middle of a 1000 word blog. According to Site Meter, an average reader spends about 96 seconds reading the average blog. Thats a very short amount of time, especially if you have a lot to say in your blog. So what can you do? The solution is fairly simple, plan out your formatting. Format your blog so that crucial points in your blog is instantly found without focused reading. Take your time in creating clear headings and subsections, so your user can instantly access the details they want to know about.

Those were the 3 ways you can make your blog differentiate from standard blogs out on the internet. What about you? Do you have any tips on creating compelling content? Please leave a comment below!


An, S. (2013, August 26). 5 Little known Secrets of Writing Compelling Blog Posts. Retrieved April 18, 2016, from http://www.shoutmeloud.com/secrets-writing-copelling-blog-posts.html

Iny, D. (2012, March 27). A Fool-Proof Formula for Easily Creating Compelling Content – Copyblogger. Retrieved April 18, 2016, from http://www.copyblogger.com/content-creation-formula/

Rowse, D. (2005, March 17). How Long Do Your Readers Stay at Your Blog – Length of Stay Statistics. Retrieved April 14, 2016, from http://www.problogger.net/archives/2005/03/17/how-long-do-your-readers-stay-at-your-blog-length-of-stay-statistics/

Wainwright, C. (2016, February 23). How to Write Catchy Headlines and Blog Titles Your Readers Can’t Resist. Retrieved April 13, 2016, from http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/a-simple-formula-for-writing-kick-ass-titles-ht

Power of Blogging: 3 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging Now

According to Jeremy Wright, author of Blog Marketing: The Revolutionary Way to Increase Sales, the world of advertisement is changing from transmitting to engaging. Prior to the internet age, most businesses and companies functioned in a “transmission” method, where when they have a new product, they show an advertisement of it, and try to create buzz by displaying SALE! or some form of discounts that will please the customers. However, companies are realizing that engage method of advertisement is far better, in terms of customer satisfaction and company growth. You can broadcast your message, and simultaneously obtain customer feedback. For example, the Microsoft product engineering team are well known for looking at blog feedbacks before making significant changes in their products. So, should you start a blog for your business now? Definitely! And if thats not enough to persuade you to blog, here’s 3 reasons why you should start blogging right about now.

Gives you a voice on the internet

A blog gives your company a voice. It’s a place where you can show your customers what you’re all about. You can honestly share whatever you want, including thoughts, experience, strategies and even some tips and tricks to further promote your product. As you do so, you’re essentially telling the world what the company is capable for outside of the product itself. Those helpful content you produce on a daily basis can build up trust from customers. Trust will turn into leads and traffic, and finally into sales.


The graph above by HubSpot shows the importance of blogging. This method, is said to be “kindergarden content” approach coined by Marcus Sheridan, an influential blogger at Social Media Examiner. He states that, this way of acquiring customers are similar to when kindergarteners trust their teachers — you start to respect and appreciate someone that patiently teach and share knowledge with you. As company’s take this approach, they see and explain things that are otherwise left unclear from the customer’s perspective, and not their own. This is crucial to build customer relationships and gain more sales.

Increase SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is crucial for your business visibility. Fresh and knowledgeable content is key to beat out your competitors. You don’t have enough profit to have paid keywords by Google? That’s totally fine. Keep blogging on a daily basis, and build your content upon several keywords that you want your company to be found for. For example, if you’re in the fishing business and what to promote your company’s new fishing rod, emphasize the word “fishing rod” with several features, such as “rigid and easy to use”. You don’t necessarily have to actively seek to cram keywords in a single post. If you’re passionate enough, regular blogging about your industry, experience, useful tricks, or customer lifestyle will naturally increase your SEO, which will potentially increase your customers.

Be knowledgable about your surroundings and your competitors

Blogging not only creates buzz and increases your company visibility on the internet, it will also make you an expert on your field of expertise. Firstly, when you write a blog post, you have to be aware and know if the topic you’re writing about is already somewhere on the internet. If it is, you’ll either have to alter your content, or choose a completely different topic to write about. As you do this process, you’ll notice yourself going around many blogs potentially created by your competitors, and eventually understanding their product and what they specialize in. This will make you not only knowledgable about your competitors, but also make you create original content which differentiates from those “cliché” posts. In addition, you’ll also learn to answer and explain things in a way that your customers could easily understand, because searching for content to write about by constantly following the news will make you well educated in the field of your product.

Yes, blogging is time-consuming, but the benefit it brings to your company is immense. So what are you waiting for? Start blogging!


Kolowich, L. (2015, April 9). How Often Should Companies Blog? [New Benchmark Data]. Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/blogging-frequency-benchmarks

Sheridan, M. (2011, December 02). 5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Blogging : Social Media Examiner. Retrieved January 31, 2016, from http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/5-reasons-your-business-should-be-blogging/

Wright, J. (2006). Blog marketing: The revolutionary new way to increase sales, build your brand, and get exceptional results. New York: McGraw-Hill.

3 Great (and Easy) Ways to Promote and Increase Your Twitter Follower Count for Business

Social media followers are crucial to increase your customers. However, it can be a hassle to think of ways to increase your follower count, especially for start-ups. So, here are three simple yet effective ways to boost engagement and have your twitter follower count go through the roof!

  1. Have some personality and utilize online tools

Have some personality in your tweets! The last thing you want to do as a company is to be a robot that spams promotional content every hour. What I mean by this, is to become more creative and show your followers that there’s an actual human being behind the account. This creates a whole new fondness from your followers, and eventually get favorites and retweets which will potentially increase your followers. However, I’m not saying scheduling your tweets should be avoided. There are great social media management tools out there, such as Hootsuite that allows you to seamlessly manage and engage with your followers on social media with one simple dashboard. Click Here to learn more about Hootsuite. In fact, posting regularly will largely increase your visibility, so it’s a crucial factor to increase your follower count.

Average number of tweets vs. Follower base

According to beevolve, a social media analytics company, shows data that backs up the claim, by analyzing 36 million twitter profiles and 28 billion tweets. It’s pretty obvious, I know. But it’s also a fact that people forget about it often.

What I’m saying is, don’t just be tweeting posts about future updates, app features, and so on. It’ll be redundant over time, and honestly followers are expecting more than this. Occasionally post humorous content that’ll make your followers laugh! For example, tweet some popular memes that has some connection with your product. That way, followers will emotionally engage with your content, and the potential to get retweets and favorites will skyrocket.

2. Retweet relevant tweets and articles

Tweeting about your product and your company is certainly important. However, try to search and find influencers that are knowledgeable in your domain, and share those content on your twitter page. According to a study done by researchers at Rutgers University, the way people and corporations use and utilize twitter can be classified to two distinct groups: Meformers and Informers.

Reformers are ones who regularly post social media updates about themselves, and

Informers are ones post updates that are mostly information sharing.

And they found out that informers had two times the followers of meformers. This clearly indicates that you should reach out start sharing and retweeting more content from other influencers that are in your expertise. However, I know it’s a bit time consuming to go through billions of tweets and articles to find the relevant posts. And yes, there’s a great web application for that. It’s called anewstip.com, and it allows you to find relevant media contacts by tweets or news articles with a single click. You can search for any keyword, and it shows what kind of tweets are made by who and it ranks people by influence points. It also sends you alerts when a journalist or a company mentions anything related your keyword in a tweet, once per day for free users. This can be altered to once per hour, but you have to be a paid customer ($49/month). As if that were not enough, the amazing application lets you pitch journalists with personalized messages, so you can directly engage with the influencers about your product for further connections.

3. Freebies and discounts!

Who doesn’t like free stuff? Definitely not me, and probably you too. The infographic below was created by Nielsen, a global consumer and media insight company, for Twitter UK.


As you can see, “To be notified of special offers/promotions” is ranked number two out of 10 reasons why people follow brands on twitter. More than half of the people who follow brands are expecting some kind of discounts exclusive for social media followers. Basically, just give things away. It can be anything small, if consumers see benefit for following the brand, you might see your followers grow.


Lee, K. (2014, May 21). Get more followers on Twitter, Facebook, G+, and more: 6 research-backed strategies [Web log post]. Retrieved from https://get-more-blog.bufferapp.com/followers-twitter-facebook-research

Naaman, M., Boase, J. & Lai, C. (2009). Is it really about me? Message content in social awareness streams. In Proc. CSCW’09.

E-mail Marketing: AirBnB and it’s impetuous marketing in Japan

AirBnB is, without a doubt, one of the most successful and renowned website for people to offer, find and rent lodging. It has over 1,500,000 listings with unique accommodation offerings, such as castles or boats in 34,000 cities and 190 countries. I think its safe to assume we all love AirBnB and what the website offers. However, not so much in Japan.

When they first decided to secure a business in Japan, the company sent out several researchers to speculate the place and meet numerous individuals that already offer a place in AirBnB. However, it came to light that these researchers nearly spoke no Japanese and knew very little about the country itself. They even stayed in an AirBnB place that most Japanese people will recognize as unsanitary love hotels, which clearly indicates their reckless, unplanned visit.

We can see how careless they are by observing their E-newsletter as well.


The picture shown above is the E-newsletter that came to my Email. I used it once for a small trip with my friends. For people that understand Japanese, the Japanese written in this Email is close to gibberish. There’s too much nonsense that it’s not a surprise if they used google translate to translate the language from English to Japanese. I will translate the description under Paris:

Paris destinations: Romance, Philosophy, Great food, etc.

The words just doesn’t make sense, but they keep sending these messages over and over. I would never open AirBnB E-newsletters because of this reason. I highly doubt that there is personalization, as I’ve never been to any of these locations and I’ve never traveled during the time period (Got this Email on November 4, 2015). The only personalization may be the fact that I used to live in Tokyo, but that the only factor. The design and template may not be the worst, but then again, I don’t get attracted as well. The E-newsletter lists up locations where people in Tokyo generally go to the most, but I think it can be improved by perhaps sending different locations according to age demographics, because where young teenagers want to go may differ greatly from elder people. There is no CTA involved in this E-newsletter.

However, before getting into layouts and images, I highly think and suggest that they get the message straight, not just randomly translated words that we can hardly understand.


The website above gives the 4 common Email Marketing misconceptions, and #4 says exactly my point. Before going into big visuals, its important for the consumers to understand the meaning of the newsletter first. It is a big surprise that a high-profit multi-national company like AirBnB has yet to accomplish such a task.

How Real Life King of Thrones went viral on social media in New Zealand

This is a case study regarding the streaming of Game of Thrones in New Zealand: https://studentcentral.brighton.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/pid-2541190-dt-content-rid-4837577_1/courses/IT382_2015/Game%20of%20Thrones%20Case%20Study%281%29.pdf

King of Thrones is undoubtly one of the most successful T.V. shows up to date. The unique atmosphere and extreme characters with a taste of sexual violence and misogyny has created a huge fanbase. However, New Zealand experienced a case where a minority of people dismissing the show as “not for them.” As a solution, DDB, owner of Game of Thrones, sought out an intelligent way of combating the problem, by using the power of social media. Joffrey, the King, is portrayed as the most hated character in the show as you may all know. He drove the most intense and passionate commentaries regarding the subject. DDB took advantage of that fact and created a seven meter statue of King Joffrey in a prime location: Aotea Square. The discussion and posts relating to the figure skyrocketed in social media, and fans were encouraged to take down the King, using hashtags such as #bringdowntheking in twitter. The campaign was a great success, and recorded around 875,000 individual interactions.

I personally think that this campaign ended up in a huge success because of how well they captured the human nature of socially connecting with one another and working together towards a collective goal. The campaign provided satisfaction, which we all human beings crave for.


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