The big push to finish the pathway which runs from the east entrance and goes south, is still well underway. It would be really good to finish it before autumn so that we can refocus our efforts onto the west path. But much more goes on during our weekly Monday volunteers sessions and today there were more stile repairs/improvements, John took a sythe around some of the more overgrown paths throughout the wood and chippings continue to be energetically barrowed around the wood. We all looked in wonder as a pair of Fritillary butterflies – possibly silver-washed – fluttered their beautiful orange brown wings over us as we worked. Ken reminded us of how quiet the woods have become now, most birds have fledged and the parents are gathering their strength before either flying to new places or preparing to greet the autumn/winter. It was a very hot day but delightfully shaded under the luscious green canopy. When we met together, I revealed some ideas for the replacement bench in Lime groove and after some discussion, I have a good idea of where the design stage can go next.