Eleven volunteers stood ready to tackle this mornings tasks – a really good turn out. The two main areas we focused on were the Lime glade – where John cut down a couple of small sycamore trees last week and the ongoing pathway going from the East entrance towards the South entrance. The Lime glade revealed a natural ‘sit down’ area with a table and stools so we spent an energetic morning cutting suitable corduroy lengths from branches and stacking unusable pieces into ‘standing wood piles’ for insects and small mammals to live and work in as it breaks down. We noticed a few more toads this week and Mike spotted a tiny muddy yellow coloured lizard. Possibly the first sighting in our wood. The second team made excellent progress on covering wet and squelchy patches on the path system. The first photo shows just how well made these additions to our woodland paths our skilled volunteer force contributes. Finally, Ken repaired a very worn out stile near the entrance to the East and cut back brambles next to the steps. Not necessarily our responsibility but we would rather people entered the wood in good condition and in a pleasant frame of mind!