11th April

And then back to mud, just as things were slowly drying out! Making the pathways from cut round wood or ‘corduroy’ as we call it, has made a tremendous difference to being able to move around the wood safely. That at least is a very positive part of our mornings work – even though it sometimes feels like an endless task. Making steps is much more exciting and a small group did a brilliant job by the stile entrance. Today we had 14 volunteers, which maybe a record and although we were all very busy for most of the time, just looking around at the bluebells and the primroses was wonderful. Things are beginning to smell different in the wood too.

Building steps at the entrance to New England Wood, they will make all the difference and hopefully allow a more dignified approach to the stile!
Building steps at the entrance to New England Wood, they will make all the difference and hopefully allow a more dignified approach to the stile!
The bluebell carpet is really looking beautiful especially when the sunshine filters through the bare branches.
The bluebell carpet is really looking beautiful especially when the sunshine filters through the bare branches.
Its easy to walk past a bunch of primroses but they are so much at home here and deserve a second glance.
Its easy to walk past a bunch of primroses but they are so much at home here and deserve a second glance.

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