Pip & Nut

Image result for pip and nut customer


This is a student blog and I am here to write share with you all about the nutritious product – PIP & NUT!

This website showed us how Pip creates her own business. Through her own experiences and creativeness, she succeeded in creating her very own business.

Acoording to (Pipandnut.com, 2018), Pip is the entrepreneur of the firm. She is a runner and she always seeks for healthy food. This inspired her to make her own nut butters with nutritious ingredients. She started the biusiness in small scale and successfully brought it to the shelfs in Selfridges in 2015.Nowadays, Pip & Nut can be seen in more than 5000 stores around UK and europe. People tend to think that nuts are bad fats and avoid eating them However, Pip sells nuts which are good for health, full of energy and is definitely on the nutritious map. Pip even gives advises on these prpoducts or even how to make your own nutritious meal.

This business targets all segments of people from female to male from kids to adults from students to athelatics , etc. It can be consumed by everyone except for people who are allergic to nuts.

This company used crowdfunding in order to sustain thier business.According to Pip (The Telegraph, 2018) , she was really nervous as you will need to be really confident in pitching your product online. She ended up raising 120k in 9 days which is  a very rewarding thing for her business bringing 80 over investors to her. Her investors are from Sainsbury to Selfridges. She has projected 3million of sales and this has shown how per persistance and determination paid off. Now, Pip and her team are targeting supermarkets which will give way much more volume and will incraese in the variety of products.

Acooriding to my knowledge about it, I believe that with more publicity and focued on digital marketing , Pip’s business will bloom even more . With the help of influencers or sponsorship, Pip & Nut will be more recongnise and publicity will definitely help bosst volume and sales.  I feel that Pip has created a very interesting business, as focused on health issues and how to gain energy through nuts. It is a really great product .

Words from Pip:

start doing it and stop worrying. Even if it is small based, you will eventually see the progress in it and achieve success. This success will be show satisfactory.


For more readings:


References :

Pipandnut.com. (2018). Nut Butter Cookbook | Pip & Nut. [online] Available at: https://www.pipandnut.com/cookbook/ [Accessed 16 Oct. 2018].

The Telegraph. (2018). How to create a health food business. [online] Available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/connect/small-business/business-case-study-pip-and-nut/ [Accessed 16 Oct. 2018].



Digital Marketing – Argos Case Study

Digital marketing is a leading trend nowadays(Anon, 2018).

  • It understoods the consumer sentiment towards new digital stores and which stores were perceived more favorably and in which areas
  • It got closer to the individuals behind the discussion by uncovering insightful demographics
  • It quickly identifies the issues found in-store and actioned feedback were given and resolutions were found to increase customer satisfaction.
  • The use of digital marketing is increasing as it is very convienient for both women and men.
  • Men also find using it simple and time saving.
  • It also brings companies’s employees working together to analyse consumer behaviors


  • Brandwatch is a new invention which makes companies easier to uncerstand consumer preferences,
  • It helps companies to stay ahead in competition.
  • It helps companies to get closer to costomers.
  • Customers will feel that they are being heard.

Another comparable device

  • The socializers –
    The Socializers is an agency comprised
    of like-minded individuals from around
    the world who are focused on people
    and technology. (From Ikea)

How can digital marketing be applied elsewhere

  • It can enhance awarness to others by informing people about important issues.  For example, in a hospital where people can use provided ipads to know better about their illness and do research using it. The software can detact the percantage of patient having a certain illness and doctors can be prepared to treat them
  • It also can enhance on knowing the daily routine of a person or even know how much a person uses social media. All these will be analysed critically.

Critical review

  • Digital marketing is the key to companies for knowing and analysing their firm better and it does show a great impact fro the society .
  • It brings a clearer view on how to target customers and this will definitely bring the firm towards a better goal.

This is a brighton student project based blog.

For more readings:



Anon, (2018). [online] Available at: https://studentcentral.brighton.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/pid-3263929-dt-content-rid-6133556_1/courses/IT382_2018/Argos%20Case%20Study.pdf [Accessed 2 Oct. 2018].