Weather Updates

All updates about the university of Brighton Sites in the occasion of inclement weather

Update: 28 February, 6.15am

All University sites are currently accessible.

Snow and icy conditions are affecting some areas and caution is advised with travelling to campus locations and walking around.

Please check the travelling conditions from home to your place of study/work. Useful information to help you prepare for the weather and plan your travel is available on the University’s Weather Updates blog.

The University’s Estate and Facilities Management (E&FM) department will take all reasonable steps to ensure that sites and academic buildings can be safely accessed by students and staff.

If weather conditions worsen, further updates will be provided on a regular basis to reflect information fed back from the sites. These updates will also be posted to: studentcentral, staffcentral, the University website and social media channels.

If you have any questions or require further information please call: 01273 643163.

Chris Temple • February 28, 2018

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