I have uploaded some good example of group working in DP402 and DP403 pages. Below you will see some example of planning with my DP403 group, during all the module we’ve meet on Microsoft teams for solve design problems and catch up with all was been explained during the lessons.
To do list 26/03/2020
- Remake working prototype in CAD – DONE
- Refine/develop working prototype in CAD
- Complete potential Fixpartner doc – STARTED
- Conduct further research
- Materials – STARTED
- Market research – STARTED
- Safety standards, CE mark
- Durability, temperature, chemicals, fumes – STARTED
- Use research to develop prototype
- Use research to develop considerations
Structure plan 27/03/2020
Christy: 3 Minute film, hang up problem
Mattia: Research to develop prototype and considerations, hang up problem, 3D animation
To add for the formative..
All the prototypes, research, tests and experiments together
Personal reflections
Deadline formative assessment 31st March
Scale up bit
Contact the wipes brand
Alluminium? (can be recycled 20 times)
Universal hang up size
Deadline summative assessment 25th May
Last team meeting 09/05/2020
Present via Teams:
Main goal:
- Catch up Mattia on the latest tutorial with Des.
- Discuss Semiotics and Affordances.
- Collectively decide the final design.
- Recyclable considerations:
- Research into how PP is recycled and how that material can be used has shown that we could injection mould our product from recycled PP.
- Any off cuts or waste from injection moulding is recyclable.
- The process takes a PP product and shreds it before removing medals via magnet so we could have the magnets captive in the product.
- Through testing we have discovered that the magnet needs to be either very shallow under the surface if not on the surface of the product to work.
- As the magnet is a significant part of the material costs it is worth focusing on making it retrievable to be reused either during or before the recycling process.
- These two considerations may mean that it is more appropriate to have the magnets on the exterior and be fittable and removable by the user.
- In terms of production, the product would still be injection moulded and magnets could be fitted post or supplied with the product for the user to fit – maybe screwed into a recess.
- Possible lifecycle product:
- Recycled PP injection moulded to make main body
- Body packaged along with fittable magnets.
- Body wears or brakes.
- Magnets removed by user, body recycled.
- New body without magnets ordered.
- Original magnets fitted to new body.
- (3 purchase options, body and magnet set, just body, just magnet set.
- Possible lifecycle product:
- In terms of production, the product would still be injection moulded and magnets could be fitted post or supplied with the product for the user to fit – maybe screwed into a recess.
- These two considerations may mean that it is more appropriate to have the magnets on the exterior and be fittable and removable by the user.
- Research into how PP is recycled and how that material can be used has shown that we could injection mould our product from recycled PP.
- We all agree that more market research is required to determine:
- The scale of the market (child/baby household goods). We would like some relevant numbers to back up our decisions regarding production scale.
- What kind of semiotics similar products employ (colours, shapes, textures, cleanliness, usability).
- Look at consistent themes across related products. Laundry products often lean on being eco friendly, natural and fresh with leaf motifs and images of clean, fresh air/fragrances.
- The final form of the product is hard to determine with 3 people in different places working with different formats.
- Christy has developed the design to have curved edges that hopefully improve the appearance whilst giving the user something more pronounced to hold when handling.
- Depending on the the colour and opacity of the product the braces at the back could be used to infer affordances such as how it is hung or which way up it goes. They could also be arranged like leaves or petals to suggest a more organic, natural, clean, fresh, eco friendly product.
- All agree that the main body/geometry of the product if more or less finalised however more work needs to be done to determine the shape of the hook that allows it to hang on a washing line.
- John has made a great start on the packaging of the product.
- We agree that it’ll have a bare, simplistic aesthetic (much like ikea) with a to scale projection of the product on each face of the box – these projections can be used to highlight features of the product and can be used in lieu of instruction.
- John has also started to consider the PDF documentation but requires research, images and developments to populate it.
- Mattia to:
- Continue research the market size to gather numeric data and consider the affordances of similar products.
- Feed info to John for PDF via the google drive.
- Consider the magnet assembly.
- Continue research the market size to gather numeric data and consider the affordances of similar products.
- John to:
- Continue packaging and PDF templating.
- Research affordance in other products
- Ideas for hanging/magnet
- Christy to:
- Continue to research specifics about PP properties and recycling of PP.
- Research design for injection moulding of PP
- Consider Semiotics and affordances of the product
All actions agreed by present group members.