In this lesson we added an OLED display in our Microbit system, it is used for reading information as temperature, light, drawings etc..
So i started with collegate the wires on the breadboard to the OLED display.
Then we had to create the code, in this way we can program the system and make wathever we want. The good thing to work with an open source system is that you can be creative and innovative, and do something new that is never been done before!
The code for attach the OLED display to the Microbit.
Once the code is ready you can collegate the Microbit to the computer and add it to the system. In this case we wanted to read the temperature with the Microbit, as we know there is a sensor inside that give us this opportunity. If everything is collegate in the right way this should be the final results!
Here is shown the Microbit connected to the OLED display, and with the program that we embedded before we can measure the temperature.