In this week we started to use BBC Micro:bit that is an embedded system. The first thing to do is program what you want to do with the Microbit, and you can do that on the Microsoft website “Make Code”.
Here is shown the Microbit plugged into the computer with the program that i have written, it turn on the leds of the microbit for make a number 1 shape.
This image show when i started the first approach with the sealing of a component!
Below we have some examples of what you can do with Microbit, in this case we create a smiley and sad face which works with the buttons A and B or A+B pressed.
Button A pressed give us a smiley face and B pressed a sad face
A+B give us some mixed face between sad and smiley
The code for the smiley face.
Then we worked on the (LDR) Light dependent resistors, that are basically light sensitive components most often used to indicate the presence / absence of light.
(How Microbit should be collegate with the LDR)
The simple code that i have made for the LDR.
The complete circuit together.
These video are the demonstration of how the LDR work with a Microbit.