The TED Talk video I had chosen to watch was ‘How I hacked online dating’ by Amy Webb. Amy had been struggling with finding the love of her life which she chose to try online dating afterwards. It was not easy for her the dates who she liked did not write her back. In order to change, she decided to make a spreadsheet of all the traits and needs she was looking for in a man. She created a standard score board and also fake accounts to analysing the possibilities of reasons why other women had better chance than her. After gathering all the needed data, she was able to build the best profile which lead her meeting her husband.
From her aspect of view, Amy belives that if anyone who wishes to start a business, they need to evaluate the target market, gather enough data and even if the business was not succeed, keep trying. In my humble opinion, I believe her approad in looking for a soulmate is very clever which we can all apply in any real life situation as in business. How she knew exactly what to do to create a flashy profile by using her data is […]
[to be continued]
Webb, A. (2014). How I hacked online dating. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct. 2014].