University of Brighton Art Teachers Organisation


Workshop day – Saturday 10 February 2024

For the second workshop day of 2023/24:

  • Group 1 will participate in three workshops
  • Group 2 will will prepare and deliver a workshop and participate in two
  • Group 3 will participate in three workshops and produce a display of their pupil’s work


Time Activity Notes
9 – 9.30am
  • Arrival and welcome
  • Group 1 set up their workshops
  • Group 2 set up their display
  • Coffee and network chat
Refreshments will be provided
9.30 – 11am Choice of practical  workshops Details will be provided closer to the date
11 – 11.30am
  • Opportunity to look at displays
  • Coffee and network chat
Refreshments will be provided
11.30am – 1pm Choice of practical workshops Details will be provided closer to the date
1 – 1.30pm
  • Lunch break
Please bring your own lunch
1.30 – 3pm Choice of practical workshops Details will be provided closer to the date
3 – 4pm UBATO forum An open forum to discuss relevant topics and debates in art education over tea and coffee.
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