University of Brighton Art Teachers Organisation



Launched in September 2022, the University of Brighton Art Teachers Organisation (UBATO) has been set up to provide art professional development opportunities in the region. 

The aim of UBATO is to share good practice, develop partnership links and provide networking opportunities.

UBATO is currently limited to 40 members and is open to all art educators, both in the primary and secondary sector within the region.    

image of the art box contentsTo join the organisation is £150 per academic/ school year.  Membership includes:

Membership can be be shared within a school to allow different members of staff to attend each of the four full-day Art CPD Workshops.  

As a member you would also commit to deliver one 90 minute CPD session each year which would highlight your own teaching strengths, and provide a display of sketchbooks / student work from your school. Workshop materials will be provided by the University of Brighton but should be agreed in advance.  

Join UBATO today!

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