
 Welcome to our website where you can learn more about type 2 diabetes and how to handle this disease adequately. Moreover, we discussed the idea of treating type 2 diabetes by changing the lifestyle of the induvial and taking part in different types of physical exercises and training.


About us


My name is Abdelwahad Mokri and I am a year 2 Biomedical sciences student at the University of Brighton. The main aim when creating the “Background information” part of this website was to give an overall idea on how type 2 diabetes mellitus act on the human body, furthermore the focus was around raising awareness on how the disease is developed and the risk factor around it, lastly the final point was around how the disease can be treated by changing the lifestyle.

Contact email: a.mokri1@uni.brighton.ac.uk,

Student number:17829696.





My name is Kyle Preston and I am a year 2 Biomedical sciences student at the University of Brighton. my goal in creating the “benefits of endurance training” part of the website was to educate people on the effects of endurance training with an emphasis on how this is achieved within the body of someone suffering from type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

Contact email: K.Preston2@uni.brighton.ac.uk

Student number: 18837209.




My name is Sarra Alnahel and I am a year 2 Biological Sciences student at the University of Brighton. The task that I wrote about on this website was “resistance training” and how it can affect and benefit the metabolism. Finally, I discussed the idea of using resistance training to treat type 2 diabetes

Contact email: S.Alnahel1@uni.brighton.ac.uk
Student number: 14840390.


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