Retail Mobile Applications: The need-to-know, nitty-gritty, make-or-break aspects.

Figure 1 – Browser Vs. Application usage

Mobile apps are significantly more popular than mobile websites; consumers rely on apps opposed to internet browsers due to simplistic, efficient and online/offline capability(Spence, 2014). In 2014, Flurry, an American analytics company, highlighted 86% of time spent on mobile devices was on apps, whereas 14% was on browsers(Spence, 2014). Therefore,looking at apps from the customer’s perspective is fundamental to improving the customer experience and likelihood to regularly using the app.

To ensure that mobile apps meet acceptable standards and level of usability, rigorous testing is required. Therefore, conducting focused analysis of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) is crucial (DCI, 2018). Conversely, a bad experience with UI or UX on an app can lead to lack of use, user frustration and increased uninstalls, which, in turn, negatively affects the organisation (Macias, 2019), thus leaving the app redundant and the investment costly and an ineffective exercise.

Thus, to reduce the negative effects of an app, and improve the user experience, here are three key steps to follow:

1.    User vs. Designer: App Features and Attributes.

Fu et al. (2019) research found a difference between users’ preferred features and designers’ assumption of users’ preferredfeatures for apps. The research highlights how designers assume the holistic layout influenced users to stay on and use the app, whereas the small and specific features like multi-function icon buttons and richness of colour schemes are the influencing factors to users’ perception and their likelihood to use it. Figure 3 highlights the difference between the users’ and designers’ opinion on attributes, with the most notable differences being on 3.1, 2.3 and 1.2 (Fu et al., 2019).

Figure 3 – User Vs. Designer features and attributes
Figure 2 – Features and attributes



This research shows key attributes which should be targeted during the designing and testing stages of producing an app to improve the users’ experience. Albeit the research was conducted in China, and change of geographical location and culture could alter the smaller and insignificant features such as specific colour choices, language and currency, the fundamental UI and UX features predominantly stay the same.

2.    The Start-To-Finish Experience.

Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells(2007) designed the Online Consumer Hierarchy of Needs (OCHN) framework to apply to websites, identifying if generic minimum requirements are met, then further analysing if specific requirements, for the websites classification, are met (See Appendix A: OCHN Framework for a detailed explanation).

Figure 4 – OCHN Framework

OCHN can be applied to mobile apps due to similarity between websites and mobile apps; the key difference being apps are downloadable to a device and launchable regardless of a network connection.

OCHN framework is a highly useful analytical tool to identify if users’ basic and specific needs have been met and the likelihood of them staying on and using the given platform. This rigorous analysis tool is invaluable due to  its rich and specific scrutiny of fundamental basics before tailoring to specific website types. 

3.    A Scale of Usability.

John Brooke’s System Usability Scale (SUS) is an analytical tool which highlights the usability of mobile apps. It requires 10 questions to be answered, rated between 1-5, which subsequently, after finalising the data, result in a number between 0-100 which is applicable to the scale. (Brooke, n.d.)  See Figure 5.

Figure 5 – SUS Scale

Applying SUS framework is invaluable due to the nature of criteria analysed; the ease of usability, which is directly applicable to the successfulness of an app. Furthermore, its concise manner gives dependable, easy to analyse results. (See Appendix B: Brooke SUS).

Mitigating Risk!

It is important to note that if a mobile app does not reach satisfactory standards in any of these steps, it should be scrutinised and mitigated accordingly. If the issue is not remedied, this could negatively impact and increase risk(s) to the organisation. There are numerous risks related to launching an app; the prominent risk is to the organisation’s reputation:  reputation takes considerable time to build up, but can be ruined within a short time period (Sefferman, 2016).

Other risks such as bad eWOM and lost revenue, along with reputation damage, can be found in detail at:

Finally, confirmation bias can inhibit the results of analysis: if the person who requested the app to be built completes the analysis, subconsciously wanting to prove the positive effects of the app, as opposed to finding the faults (Calikli and Bener, 2015). Therefore, analysis completed by someone external to the app design and build  will reduce bias and give more reliable and qualitative results.

The Key Points You Really Need To Know.

Following the three steps outlined above, and taking into account risk factors, will positively influence the success of executing a mobile app as a marketing initiative.

Key Summary:
  1. Fu et al’s (2019) Research: Maximises UI and highlights attributes users prefer on apps.
  2. Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells’(2007) OCHN Framework: Maximises UX and ensures user needs and specific requirements for the type of application are met.
  3. Brooke’s (1986) SUS framework: Maximises UI and UX by efficiently analysing the usability using a simple, yet academically proven framework providing an easy to understand and effective result.

 Consequently, following these frameworks and research will enable constructive app usability analysis relating to UX and UI, reducing negative effects and supporting the initiative. It is essential to bear in mind, due to the popularity and fast evolving technological business environment, that new research, frameworks and best practices will be developed.



A little extra; Google’s user experience researcher highlighting principles of mobile app design.



Brooke, J. (2013). SUS: a retrospective. Journal of Usability Studies, [online] 8(2), pp.29-40. Available at: [Accessed 29 Mar. 2019].

Brooke, J. (n.d.). SUS – A quick and dirty usability scale. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2019].

Calikli, G. and Bener, A. (2015). Empirical analysis of factors affecting confirmation bias levels of software engineers. Software Quality Journal, [online] 23(4), pp.695-722. Available at:

DCI. (2018). Importance Of UI/UX Design In The Development Of Mobile Apps. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2019].

Fu, Y., Jiang, H., Zhang, D. and Zhang, X. (2019). Comparison of Perceptual Differences Between Users and Designers in Mobile Shopping App Interface Design: Implications for Evaluation Practice. IEEE Access, 7, pp.23459-23470.

Macias, P. (2019). What’s the best platform to use to hire UI/UX designers?. [online] Quora. Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2019].

Sefferman, A. (2016). Mobile Ratings: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – Apptentive. [online] Apptentive. Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2019].

Spence, E. (2014). The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2019].

Valacich, J., Parboteeah, V. and Wells, J. (2007). The Online Consumer Hierarchy of Needs. [ebook] pp.84 – 90. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2019].



Appendix A: OCHN Framework.

OCHN framework highlights consumers’ initial interaction with a website or mobile application, and highlights key criteria which need to be met in sequential order for the users to stay on the platform.  The key criteria, at the bottom of the pyramid are known as the Zone of Intolerance: Structural Fairness (SF), Functional Convenience (FC) and Representational Delight (RD).  See Figure 1 – OCHN Theory Framework  (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007).


The characteristics of each category:

SF: The characteristics that impact the performance of the website in terms of speed/loading time and security in terms of data and computer protection of the website.

Figure 6 – OCHN Framework.

This characteristic is deemed to be a crucial and prominent factor, therefore, it is analysed first, and without meeting the criteria, the consumer will be less likely to stay on the website. (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007)

FC: The characteristics that impacts on the consumer usage when navigating around the website; how easy it is to understand and navigate to the required page with the given website structure (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007).

RD: The characteristics that impact the senses, visual and auditory, of the consumer when using the website such as: animations, music and the overall design to the website (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007).

Once the Zone of Intolerance criteria have been met, the analysis moves to the top half of the pyramid. Depending on the classification of the website, Utilitarian, Hybrid or Hedonic, it identifies the ratio of SF, FC and RD required. See Figure 2 – OCHN Utilitarian-Hedonic Continuum.

Figure 7 demonstrates how the ratio of the size of the three categories in the three vertical sections, in the upper half, varies depending on the website’s type and focus.

Figure 7 – OCHN Website Categorisation

This is the second stage of the application of the framework where one decides which website in the continuum best reflects the website and then considers the balance of the three categories. The three website types represented here are Utilitarian, Hybrid and  Hedonic. A Utilitarian website is for completing practical day-to-day tasks such as paying phone bills and banking. A Hybrid website is generally related to gathering of information related to, and for, purchasing products or services. A Hedonic website relates to sensory aspects such as a gaming, film and music website.(Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007)

Figure 8 demonstrates how the ratios differ to make the website more suitable and efficient for its specific purpose.

Figure 8 – OCHN Website Categorisation Graph

Furthermore, the characteristics interrelate with each other: one feature, such as animation, can positively influence RD characteristic, but it will negatively influence FC. For example, features such as videos and animation can make a website more interactive and interesting, but can significantly decrease the loading speed of the website. (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007)


Appendix B: John Brooke’sSUS Questionnaire.

John Brooke designed the Scale of Usability Score (SUS) to be widely applicable to services, products, applications and websites. There are 10 questions which need to be answered:

  1. I think that I would like to use this system frequently.
  2. I found the system unnecessarily complex.
  3. I thought the system was easy to use.
  4. I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this system.
  5. I found the various functions in this system were well integrated.
  6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system.
  7. I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly.
  8. I found the system very cumbersome to use.
  9. I felt very confident using the system.
  10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system.

(Brooke, n.d.)

The questions are rated between 1 and 5; 1 being highly disagree and 5 being high agree.

Question Example:

Figure 9 – Question 1 (SUS)

The equation to calculate the score:

  • Every question which is an odd number i.e 1,3,5… you subtract 1 from the score.
  • Every question which is an even number i.e 2,4,6… you subtract the score from 5.
  • Total the new scores and multiply them by 2.5. This gives the result out of 100 which can be applied to the SUS scale.

It is stated that:

  • 51 or below highlights an extreme issue with usability and is graded an F.
  • Circa 68 gives you an industry average score, the usability is good but could be developed and is graded C.
  • 3 or higher is extremely easy to use and is graded A.

(Brooke, n.d.)

Holistically, SUS is a fantastic analysis tool due to its widely applicable nature and being relatively easy to use. Albeit the equation could be slightly confusing, it is a simple mathematical sum. The framework is useful due to its quick nature to gain results which is beneficial for quantitative data. Conversely, in 2013 Brooke stated the drawback to SUS is that the answers can be subjective to the opinion of the person answering relating to the usability, rather than factually analysis (Brooke, 2013). Furthermore, it was noted that the SUS scale should not be used as the only analysis method, it is best to accompany other analysis methods and can be used as a quick comparative tool. (Brooke, 2013)

Example of a SUS Questionnaire.

Figure 10 – John Brooke SUS Questionnaire




Mobile Application as an initiative for increased customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Professional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) enhances customer loyalty and customer satisfaction by managing the customer relationships with the organisation (Lee-Kelly et al, 2003). One method of CRM to increase customer loyalty and customer satisfaction for the retail sector is via application implementation for consumer usage.


Apps are extremely diverse, offering a wide spectrum of different capabilities from: being informative, interactive with games, event bookings and mobile commerce (m-commerce). Therefore, tailoring an application to meet the requirements of the organisation and customer base is essential to obtain benefits. (Gazdecki, 2016)


Apps are a useful business tool and marketing initiative and, if implemented effectively, can benefit the organisation by increasing customer loyalty, satisfaction and customer interactions (Nah, Siau and Sheng, 2005).


Mobile Application Implementation.


The Approach.

When approaching a mobile application as a digital marketing strategy, there are three key analysis’ considerations which will assist in a successful implementation: the requirements of the application; tips, guides and best practices; and risk (Tate, 2016). These considerations should be approached in the given order as it identifies: the need for the application, the best methods and approaches to designing the application and then highlights the risks. Once completed, the next step would be proceeding onto designing the app.


Google Search: Design a mobile application for my company
Google Search: Design a mobile application for my company
Google Search: Design a mobile application for my company
Google Search: Design a mobile application for my company


These two images highlight from a Google search the popularity of application building and the multitude of online application developers available.







Analysis of the requirements.

App designers make an application to the given criteria, therefore, analysing the customer base, target audience and requirements is a critical ‘need to know’ when carrying out the given initiative (Leppäniemi and Karjaluoto, 2008). – Business App Maker

Shankar et al (2010) and Magrath and McCormick (2013) designed frameworks to analyse customer requirements, customer usage and the applications offering for retail mobile applications. Both theories methodically analyse individual aspect, but Magrath and McCormick (2013) identify more in-depth thought provoking aspects relating to the initiatives. See Appendix A: Analysis Framework.


Although these frameworks have their uses, being from 2013 and 2010, they can already be considered outdated in the fast evolving digital world. Therefore, staying up-to-date with mobile application related models and frameworks is essential as there may be advancements and different requirements analysed by the app developers in todays’ digital world. (Valuecoders, 2017)


Tips, guides and best practice recommendations for design applications.

To implement an application effectively, analysis of current tips and guides helps positively tailor and influence the application design positively.Here is a summary of the information from the sites below which highlights a best practice for the whole application implementation process: identifying the requirements; confirming the layout and design; and final critiquing of the app. See Appendix B: The best practice.


  • Guide and best practice recommendations –

  • Guide and recommendations of features for an app –

  • App building guide –

Owing to the speed of development in technological environment, analysing the most recent guides and best practices at the time of implementation will ensure the best outcome.


A YouTube clip identifying what an app developer should do when designing the app and what the person commissioning the app should look out for! 



As with any business related venture, there are always associated risks, therefore, analysing the risks to identify the feasibility and Return On Investment (ROI) is key for success (, 2019). Three important risks associated with developing and implementing an application are cost, users and data protection. See Appendix C: Risks associated with an application. Cost is the most important risk, as investing in a mobile application can put the organisation under financial stress: not only can the initial set up be expensive but applications also require regular maintenance and development. Furthermore, data protection is prevalent in the current business environment, which, if not  implemented correctly and complied with according to The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), can cause catastrophic financial repercussions to the organisation in terms of fines. (European Commission, 2018)



Implementation of a mobile application as a strategic initiative to maintain CRM which enhances customer loyalty and satisfaction for the retail sector, can be a feasible strategy due to the substantial increase in mobile phone usage (Magrath and McCormick, 2013). Analysis of key factors and requirements of mobile phone applications has been made easier by the frameworks from Shankar et al. (2010) and Magrath and McCormick (2013) which, when collaborated with online guides, makes understanding application requirements significantly easier.


Although an application is useful for CRM, bearing in mind the risk factors of an app implementation and the drawbacks is essential. Not all customer segments have mobile devices, therefore, identifying thoroughly the customers and what percentage have mobile devices is important in order not to leave out specific consumer segments. Furthermore, analysing the cost factor and ROI is important as many retail organisation run on small financial margins of safety, therefore, making sure investment brings a return is essential for feasibility. (Deloitte, 2019)


Consequently, providing there is a need or benefit to the organisation, and value added for the consumer with a sensible ROI, then implementation of an App to benefit CRM and enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction is a good strategic initiative.



Arthur, C. (2014). Apps more popular than the mobile web, data shows. [online] The Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


Deloitte (2019). Global Powers of Retailing 201. Transformative change, reinvigorated commerce. [online] Deloitte. Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


Ertem, O. (2015). How has technology changed the business environment?. [online] Quora. Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


European Commission. (2018). 2018 reform of EU data protection rules – GDPR. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2019].


Gazdecki, A. (2016). 10 Ways Your Business Can Grow with a Mobile App. [online] Small Business Trends. Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019]. (2019). How much does it cost to design an app?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


Lee-Kelly, L., Gilbert, D., Mannicom, R. (2003). How e-CRM can enhance customer loyalty. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 21(4), pp 239-248.


Leppäniemi, M. and Karjaluoto, H. (2008). MOBILE MARKETING: FROM MARKETING STRATEGY TO MOBILE MARKETING CAMPAIGN IMPLEMENTATION. International Journal of Mobile Marketing, [online] 3(1), pp.50-61. Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


Magrath, V. and McCormick, H. (2013). Marketing design elements of mobile fashion retail apps. JOURNAL OF FASHION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNA, 17(1), pp.115 – 134.


Nah, F., Siau, K. and Sheng, H. (2005). The VALUE of Mobile Applications: A Utility Company Study. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, [online] 48(2). Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2019].


NewGenApps. (2017). 10 steps: How to Create a Successful Mobile Application?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


User Testing Blog. (n.d.). UI vs. UX: What’s the Difference?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


Shankar, V., Venkatesh, A., Hofacker, C. and Naik, P. (2010). Mobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment: Current Insights and Future Research Avenues. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), pp.111-120.


Tate, L. (2016). Top Things to Consider When Developing a Business App. [online] ToughNickel. Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].


Valuecoders. (2017). 11 Mobile App Development Trends To Look In 2019. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019]. (2019). Retail Practice Managing Digital Risks in the Retail World. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2019].




Appendix A: Analysis Frameworks.

Shankar et al (2010) proposed a conceptual framework for use within the retail industry for implementation of an application looking at key areas split into three segments. The framework focuses on the consumer being the central focus, highlighting what the consumer might use a mobile application for, properties of the application and features of the application.

(Shankar et al., 2010)
(Shankar et al., 2010)

Although this model is useful for logically analysing the three key aspects of mobile application for the consumer, it has its limitations in that the framework focuses on a mixture between mobile applications and mobile viewing of organisations websites. Moreover, the framework looks at the positive aspects of using a mobile to access a website, rather than analysing the benefits of a downloadable mobile application. (Shankar et al., 2010)


Magrath and McCormick (2013) completed a literature review identifying design similarities and differences between e-commerce and mobile applications, resulting in the design of a framework which separates analysis into four subdivisions to analyse the requirement in relation to implementing an app. This framework is extremely thorough and advantageous for identifying which features would be required on an application (Magrath and McCormick, 2013).

(Magrath and McCormick, 2013)
(Magrath and McCormick, 2013) – Unfortunately, the quality of the image is poor as it was a low resolution image uploaded to the academic journal.


While both frameworks have their similarities, Magrath and McCormick (2013) seems to go further in-depth with the analysis. This could be due to the 3 years difference between when the journals were published, as within that time frame considerable more research, development and innovation occurred in the technological business environment. (Ertem, 2015)



Appendix B: The best practice.

The initial step is identification of which features and functions are required by the app such as: reserve products, purchase products, see product information, book events via a calendar and view digital media. This information can be conveyed to the chosen app developer to make sure they can meet the requirements.


Once this information is confirmed, the rest of the app implementation process is relatively simple in terms of an app developer producing the product to the requirements such as holistic design in relation to layout and colours matching any corporate colour schemes. The design layout relates to User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI): two prevalent mobile application practices which have a profound effect upon users (User Testing Blog, n.d.). However, if the app developer is reputable then these practices will have already been taken into account. (Babich, n.d.)


The final stage is critiquing the app as it progresses through the development stage and while being tested, making sure the app meets the requirements and will fulfil the needs of the consumer. SEE FIGURE.



Appendix C: Risks associated with an application.


SMEs often operate on a low financial margin of safety, therefore, making sure every penny is allocated for justifiable and beneficial reasons is crucial. With the implementation of an app, the most substantial cost is the design and launch of the app, which can vary from £1,000 up to £10,000’s, dependant on the platforms it is made available on and whether basic or advanced features are required (, 2019). When analysing cost of the app for feasibility, looking at the future of the business environment and how lack of an app could hinder sales, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction should be taken into account.

Lack of users.

The risk of cost interrelates to the amount of users. If the app does not get downloaded/used, then it becomes an expensive exercise with a low ROI. To reduce the likelihood of this risk, is it essential to make sure the app offers value to the consumer and that the app is appropriately tailored towards the organisation’s clients. Furthermore, the organisation employees need to support the strategy, push the information to the consumers and influence them to interact with the app. Lack of users can be due to the application visibility: how easy it is for the consumer to find and download, if they are informed about the application by the employees and by how well the UI and EX has been designed

GDPR/Data security.

Since the implementation of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation, data protection is n at the forefront of organisations best practices.GDPR impacts on cost when designing an app, as a more secure app requires more advanced technologies. The cost is influenced by the functions and information held on the app as these directly relate to the level of security which is required.



Website analysis and competitor comparison…

Giant Shoreham is an independently owned high-end bicycle brand store, operating in Shoreham, West Sussex. Within a 2.5 mile radius of the store there are two key competitors: M’s Cycle and Ebike Sussex. To analyse, it is necessary to look at: search engine optimisation (SEO), Google positioning and the holistic layout, design and usability of the website.


Searching general terms related to the market which Giant Shoreham operates in: Shoreham bicycle shop, bike sales Shoreham or Bike shops near me, Giant Shoreham positioned top of the ‘places’ list, and second on the results list, see Figure 1 & 2. This indicates effective SEO utilising key words, see figure 3 (SimilarWeb, 2018), and a good digital footprint which boosts the Google results position. Fortunately, the link with Giant UK enables Giant Shoreham’s SEO to be implemented effectively, thus, gaining a competitive advantage at no direct additional cost. (Giant Shoreham, 2018)

Figure 1 – Google places results.
Figure 2 – Google search results.
Figure 3 – SimilarWeb SEO analysis.



When landing on, the corporate brand image, the professional design and layout are immediately notable, see Figure 4. This gives a profound first impression to the consumer. (Giant Shoreham, 2018)

Figure 4 – Giant Shoreham home page. has a diverse target market requiring bicycle related services. When completing a customer analysis, these groups can be broken into specific segments and individual personas for tailoring specific marketing campaigns. (Giant Shoreham, 2018)


The website is clear and concise: the company name and logo is prominent; additionally, the key navigation points on the website are easily identifiable such as product information under ‘Bikes’ and the shopping basket identified with the basket image. Furthermore, the website has an e-commerce section offering a range of products for purchasing, reserving or home delivery. (Giant Shoreham, 2018)

A critical requirement for a website is the ease of usability and meeting customers’  expectations. Valachich et al (2007) designed the Online Consumer Hierarchy of Needs (OCHN) Framework which analyses precisely if the website meets customer needs and expectations, see Appendix 1. When applying this Framework, meets the ‘Zone of Intolerance’ criteria: it is fast, secure, clear for navigation and visually appealing. Giant Shoreham is categorised as having a hybrid website which meets all the required criteria: even focus between the three website characteristics, with each one being met to a high standard. Valacich et al (2007) framework states that meeting all the criteria to a satisfactory standard positively affects the consumer experience. Consequently, Giant Shoreham have increased their competitive edge.



To gain greater knowledge of the relevant market , understanding the customer persona(s), customer journey and touch points is crucial for marketing and targeting the correct audience (Allen, 2018). See Appendix 2 for a customer persona template. (Allen, 2018)

Two customer personas for Giant Shoreham have been created, see Appendix 3 and 4, and the customer journey with the critical touch points, interactions with the organisation, mapped on the customer journey table below. See Appendix 5 for more details about customer journey table.


Example of a retail customer journey, see Appendix 6 for customer journey definition.


Customer touch points.



To clearly compare to their competitors, analysing the competitors’ websites with the same criteria is critical. surpasses its competitors coming out top in all but one criteria: their website is well designed, easy to use and has sufficient amount of information in comparison to their competitors. Furthermore, when applying the academic OCHN Framework it highlighted how the website met important criteria to a high standard. When benchmarking to their competitors, it surpasses them to an exceptional level.



  1. Allen, R. (2018). Dave Chaffey on how to use personas for Digital Marketing.. [online] Smart Insights. Available at: [Accessed 9 Dec. 2018].
  2. Giant Shoreham. (2018). Official Giant Store Website – Bike Shop Shoreham, Brighton & Hove, Worthing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Dec. 2018].
  3. Valacich, J., Parboteeah, V. and Wells, J. (2007).The Online Consumer Hierarchy of Needs. [ebook] pp.84 – 90. Available at: [Accessed 2 Dec. 2018].
  4. SimilarWeb. (2018). Traffic Statistics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Dec. 2018].



1. The Online Consumer Hierarchy of Needs theory.

The Online Consumer Hierarchy of Needs (OCHN) theory was developed by researching 483 consumers who were asked to rank website characteristics, specific macro-categories, in order of importance: Structural firmness (SF) which is based on security and performance, Functional convenience (FC) which is based on navigation and Representational delight (RD) which is based on visual and auditory interaction.  (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007).

This research, combined with other ‘website usability literature’, produced The Online Consumer Hierarchy of Needs theory and frame work (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007). This framework is designed to assist web interface developers in making sure the website meets the consumers’ needs and expectations. Not meeting these initial requirements can detrimentally affect the consumer usage and interface time with the website, and they may source an alternative website.  (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007)

Figure 4 – OCHN Framework.

See Figure 4: Application of the framework starts at the bottom of the pyramid, one identifies in sequential order if the website meets the minimum acceptable level for each category SF, FC and RD, which are represented horizontally in what is called The Zone of Intolerance. For example, if SF is not met, the consumer is unlikely to stay on the website due to the inadequacy of the performance and security of the website, ultimately sourcing an alternative site. (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007).

Figure 5 – Utilitarian-Hedonic continuum

See Figure 5: Application moves on to the upper half of the pyramid where the three categories are represented in ratio vertically according to the website type: Utilitarian (Practical tasks such as paying bills), Hedonic (Sensory aspects such as gaming, films and music) and Hybrid (a combination of the other two: often sales websites which support sensory stimulating features). This identifies how suitable and efficient the website is for its specific purpose and if its characteristic are matching the requirements (Valacich, Parboteeah and Wells, 2007).

2. Customer persona template.

Customer personas are the ‘ideal’ customer to the organisation. Personas cover in depth Who, What, Why and How questions, to be able to meet the customer requirements.

Customer persona template.


3. Customer persona A (Darren)

Customer persona – Darren.


4. Customer persona B (Sophie)

Customer persona – Sophie.



5. Customer journey.

A customer journey is the predicted path a persona will take when interacting with the organisation’s touch points; It highlights when the interaction will happen in relation to the pre and post sales activities (Roberts, 2018). This customer journey maps out the expected touch point interactions each of the given personas will make with Giant Shoreham through the pre and post transactional activities. Being aware of the critical touch points a consumer comes into contact with is important as it assists with making enhancements and ensuring the interaction is positive. Identifying the most critical touch points is difficult as it is subjective as to which is most important; it depends on what the target market is but also the opinion of the person designing the customer journey as some people may favour certain marketing platforms over others.  In the customer journey table below each stage within the pre and post transaction interaction is important in enhancing the holistic positive experience, therefore, should be evenly focused on.


6. Customer touch points.

Customer touch points are when a consumer makes an interaction with the organisation such as advertising, brochures, sales assistants and email receipts within their customer journey (Roberts, 2018). Identifying the correct ones, and the critical ones is important for target marketing.


 7.  Competitor website analysis.

M’s Cycles.

M’s Cycles is the geographically closest competition to Giant Shoreham, being two hundred meters down the road. When analysing the same search criteria, M’s Cycles come in second on the ‘places’ list and first on the search results. This identifies a very good usage of SEO enabling them to rank highest in the search results.

When landing on their website the holistic design seems somewhat more ‘basic’: The company name is in a generic font in very large writing, with the logo off to one side considerably smaller: the logo is harder to identify due to the mixture of dark colours on the website banner and the logo its self. When scrolling down the website, the sizing of each feature on the website seems to change and be quite erratic; the headings across the top seem to be very small, then the first image you come to is the opening time which is extremely big with the word ‘Closed’ repeated twice seeming far too prominent (This is due to them being closed on Monday and Tuesday which is useful information as it could be deemed unusual opening and closing hours. But the position it is located in does not seem to match the importance of the information as there are more relevant and experience enhancing features that could be in its place such as the fantastic range of bicycles or the services they can offer). M’s Cycles website does have an e-commerce element to the site, albeit very basic as you cannot complete purchases on the site but you can see prices, discounts and full product information all in a sleek and modern design. When applying the OCHN framework, it would seem that M’s Cycles do meet all of the criteria for the Zone of Intolerance and then for the hybrid style website, but the criteria is met to a significantly lower level when compared to Giant Shoreham and Ebike Sussex.

Ebike Sussex.

Ebike Sussex is the second geographically close direct competition to Giant Shoreham, being 2.4miles away. When analysing the same search criteria, Ebike Sussex comes in third on the ‘places’ list and four in the search results. This identifies lowest optimisation of SEO out of the three competitors, but the digital footprint of Ebike Sussex must be relatively high as it still shows on Google places.

When landing on their website, the general design seems professional: the company name and logo are easy to identify and the different sections on the website are split clearly with contrasting colours making navigation easier. The website utilises images and animations which makes the site interesting to use. The website does not have any form of e-commerce, it only offers information about them and their services but nothing to in depth When applying the OCHN framework it would seem that Ebike Sussex do meet all of the criteria for the Zone of Intolerance and then for the hybrid style website to a notably higher level than M’s Cycles. The overall design and layout of the website performs well and uses good representational delight features in terms of interactive images and videos.

IKEA… Identifying a crucial business tool they had been missing!

IKEA, it’s one of those companies that everyone knows about: impressivly large shops, fantastic value for money and a remarkably wide range of products. Unfortunately for us, the products are often packed into tiny boxes with hundreds of pieces which notoriously you will have at least a couple left that you cannot figure out where they should go!

Image result for flat packed furniture stress

(Assembly Angels, 2018)

But, what goes on behind the scenes that we don’t really know about? Well.. The Digital Development team within IKEA have taken large steps to implement social change, directly relating to the effectiveness and implementation of their social media presence (Gartner, n.d.).

Image result for ikea

(Phillipines Lifestyle News, 2018)

Social media, which relates to social-commerce (s-commerce) side of the business, is a vital business tool in today’s modern digital market. The Digital Development team within IKEA noticed an inconsistency and difference in usage of social media data between different departments and markets globally (Gartner, n.d.). IKEA selected ‘The Socializers‘, a global agency that focuses on synergising technology and people, to assist in finding a solution to the problem (, 2018).

The solution is ‘Brandwatch‘, a company that offers a highly customisable platform, that specifically targets analysing and monitoring of social media (Brandwatch, 2018). Brandwatch are able to offer a product exactly to IKEA and The Socializers’ specification and requirements.

(Brandwatch, 2018)

IKEA required a centralised hub which management could interact with in order to effectively use social media data throughout the business. The ‘listening hub‘ was designed to collaborate with all social media data and do just that! It centralised all social media data related to IKEA and placed it in an easy to read format, thus making viewing, understanding, comparisons and identification of anomalies significantly easier! (Gartner, n.d.)

Within just three months of implementation of the Listening Hub, vital information was identified: The American market were more likely to turn to Facebook to complain compared to the UK market. 36.5% of American conversations compared to 5% of UK conversations via Facebook were relating to complaints. The listening hub further identified that the UK market would take to forum platforms such as YELP to voice their concerns instead. (Gartner, n.d.)

By utilising this invaluable information, IKEA were able to quickly construct an effective solution strategy to improve the customer perception. IKEA had identified specific areas to focus on for the different markets, such as focusing on forums within the UK.

In this short space of time, a myriad of business benefits and implications to utilising and focusing on social media had unfolded (Gartner, n.d.). The critical point identified is that it initiated change throughout the entire organisation and the way that they look at areas such as digital marketing strategies, customer complaint platforms and effective information and communication sharing.

So, what are the key take aways from this? Well, although IKEA is a global and highly successful company they were missing a key business tool which has a myriad of benefits. Furthermore, IKEA did not realise the effectiveness of having a social media data system, which was highlighted to them within just the first quarter of operating the system.

Make social media work for you. Utilise it. Maximise the the effectiveness and efficiency of your company. Understand the benefits it can have upon you and your company.



  1. Assembly Angels (2018). A woman attempting to build flat packed furniture.. [image] Available at: [Accessed 13 Oct. 2018].
  2. Brandwatch. (2018). Brandwatch: World-leading social listening. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2018].
  3. Brandwatch (2018). Brandwatch: Social Media Monitoring.

    Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2018].

  4. Gartner, H. (n.d.). IKEA and The socialisers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018].
  5. Phillipines Lifestyle News (2018). An image of an IKEA store. [image] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018].
  6. (2018). The Socializers | Buzz Brand Build Boost. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Oct. 2018].