how im feeling

Towards the beginning of the project, I was extremely unmotivated partly due to everything I was going through in term of my health and all the hospital visits. It almost made me very unmotivated, I did not feel like doing work or going to lectures.

I was extremely unwell.

all the injections and medicine made me feel sad and it was all very painful 🙁

This really upset me because I feel like I couldn’t put my full effort into my work and show what I am fully capable of. I love my course, eps the creative side of it. Fashion is something I always wanted to study and it made me upset as I did not get the marks I wanted to for the first few project for this course. Although, all the lecturers were extremely helpful and very understanding of my situation which made me feel a whole lot better. I had a huge discussion with one of the lecturers a few weeks after I came out the hospital and I was asked if I am willing to re-do my year and be in first year again. This was another thing that almost made me very anxious as I do not want to re-do my first year as I was studying in London before, doing Business Management at Brunel university. I decided to finish my fear year and then drop out as I was extremely passionate about studying fashion.

A year later, now that I am studying fashion, for me to drop out again is not something I want to do. As I feel like I have wasted 2 years.

It was all very stressful although, I feel like I am now back on track (a few months later). I submitted my zine project and went to almost all the lecturers after that project. my health is a whole lot better although, I do keep having troubles here and there. I am on medication at the moment.


I ordered something from amazon which came with an excess amount of wrapping. Therefore, rather than throwing away what I received and I decided to make use of it and make my zine out of it. The brown long paper in the image above is what I used to make my zine. when it arrived it was extremely scrunched and twisted. Therefore, I decided to neaten it all up and make a4 sheets of of it. After that I started creating the zine and using all the skills I learnt from my book binding workshop. I though this was a great way to reduce waste and make my zine out of things I already had to bring in an element of sustainability. the texture of this paper also added to the overall look of my whole zine.

why is skinny shaming not given importance t?


Through my zine, I wanted to exploit into the theme of skinny shaming. It’s an aspect which not many people talk about as many think it does not exist however it does! it’s not spoken about enough. its a rather contradicting topic as many believe it’s not worse than fat shaming and skinny shaming is not as commonly found as fat shaming. Regardless of how much it’s spoken about, it exists and in fact is a huge problem. It’s almost getting worse day by day as many feel like they can not speak about it and tend to be called “bony”, “you need to eat more”. There are many more phrases which are often used to shame those who are skinny.

Moreover, skinny shaming varies from gender to gender.  Fire a male to be skinny its considered to be a shame as males are expected to have a muscular body with big biceps, abs etc. Whereas, for females, they are degraded and called names for being “too skinny” as they are expected to have a hour glass body. all these are norms set by the society which in reality d nit exist, it all a social construct! However, people live up to these and end up harming themselves if they feel they do not meet the “standards”