I found Tuesday tutorials very helpful in understanding what exactly I should be doing. The group tutorials allowed me to understand where and what I should be researching within my free time to help with my project. The information provided by the lectures was also very useful in terms of researching and what should be included in our sketchbooks.
Sustainable lecture fashion future, emerging movements
What do you and how you know when you are out of balance?
How can you set 3 intentions that create balance and healthy habits during the final year?
What do you think is currently missing in fashion?
Connecting your project with the activity
Both aspects which I have not considered when it comes to ideas with my project. Thinking about communities and the amount of waste a group os people waste is a research project I could perhaps I could get into? Alternatively I could also consider grouping different communities to help collect plastic waste from public areas?
Samples of fashion archives from our first afternoon lecture.
Walking into my first lecture I was nervous and anxious from the ‘third year’ pressure and doing well. However, after settling in and getting to speak to everyone I felt a lot better. Speaking to students who came from placement was very useful as I got to learn about their experiences and what kind of work they did within the fashion industry.
Researching into IKIGAI and coming up with my own map was an interesting research to get into before starting the course. It took me out of my comfort zone and made me think how things I love can be connected/ what I can be paid for etc. My hobby of making my own skincare masks is also an aspect I could perhaps explore when it comes to my project. Taking these ideas and my IKIGAI graph into perspective, I came up with a moodboard which would help organise my visual ideas onto paper. I started thinking about where I have been working for the past year, what I have learnt and how I could relate that into my project? Which then lead me to think about plastic and sustainability.
Looking at the archives in the afternoon was also a useful lecture to consider different concepts. Looking at work from different artists allowed me to see the depth they go into when it comes to research and creativity. Looking at their physical work: denims, magazines, posters etc was interesting: how artists develop and implement their ideas into their work.
Reflection/ summary of thoughts:
I visited the Wellcome gallery in London which showcased three different exhibitions. I found this trip extremely useful as I found the immersive experience highly knowledgeable.
Starting with the storytelling at the ‘Jason and adventure’ display was absolutely beautiful and the structures displayed were very engaging. I learnt what a Diorama is and how it can be utilised in a visual format. Jason explained in his video ‘layers of cards were used in the diorama to create depth’. The embossed effect of the cardboard and lighting made the storytelling a lot more interesting. Before entering the display, theres a tv which displays Jason talking about the exhibition himself. How it was created, how long it took, the installation process and how Jason’s diagnosis effected him. I loved the ideas of this concept as it made it extremely person for the consumer and felt like we relived his whole life together.
Moving forwards, the ‘kola nut’ exhibitions was not related to the ideas I want to potentially explore. However, visiting the display allowed me to open expand my ideas and think outside the box when it comes to reusing ‘waste’. I particularly found the movie with headphones in the display very useful as it allowed me to understand the story of a ‘kola nut’ and it is captured. The videos displayed on the tv were raw footage from Africa: the locals speaking in their own language and illustrating the kola nut. I learnt that the extracting of the kola nut is not only an extremely long process but also leaves a large amount of waste behind which ends up being burnt, harming the environment or ends up in land field.
Overall, all the exhibitions allowed me to see how different structures were hung to make it visually interesting for the consumers. As well as: how your ideas and experiences can be constructed into a display which is not only visually pleasing but also educating. Furthermore, I learnt going to exhibitions and visually seeing displays made me a lot more creative and enthusiastic than only reading articles, books etc. All the exhibitions were powerful explosion of creation and knowledge.
I really enjoyed my item this summer travelling, working at a university job and keeping my self active. I went on a Europe tour with my grandparents which is really enjoyed and had so much fun! My grandparents do not live with us unfortunately but they had come to visit us from India for 5 months. Being really close with them I am going to be very sad when they leave as I love spending time with them and always learn a lot from them. I loved going to Switzerland, it is absolutely unreal and would definitely want to go back when I get a chance to do so. Apart from that, the rest of my time I was living in my university accommodation just working full time and trying to save money to pay my bills haha. The end of my summer was extremely stressful and made me feel really out of place going into my first lesson at uni from a situation I was dealing with my accommodation. I also started reading, a hobby I have never been ain’t and always disliked reading books. I want to spend less time on my phone before bed and try to spend at least an hour reading helping me unwind and de-stress.