completed my sketchbook
submitted my presentation Voice over
completed my sketchbook
submitted my presentation Voice over
showing some its of my work and me creating the poster wallpaper
for my digital outcome
felt very unmotivated and did not feel like doing work
This gallery contains 1 photo.
I decided to take a stroll around the lanes to gather some images which I can use to build up a theme for my macro boards. I just took random pictures of all things that matched my sub brand as … Continue reading
Towards the beginning of the project, I was extremely unmotivated partly due to everything I was going through in term of my health and all the hospital visits. It almost made me very unmotivated, I did not feel like doing work or going to lectures.
I was extremely unwell.
all the injections and medicine made me feel sad and it was all very painful 🙁
This really upset me because I feel like I couldn’t put my full effort into my work and show what I am fully capable of. I love my course, eps the creative side of it. Fashion is something I always wanted to study and it made me upset as I did not get the marks I wanted to for the first few project for this course. Although, all the lecturers were extremely helpful and very understanding of my situation which made me feel a whole lot better. I had a huge discussion with one of the lecturers a few weeks after I came out the hospital and I was asked if I am willing to re-do my year and be in first year again. This was another thing that almost made me very anxious as I do not want to re-do my first year as I was studying in London before, doing Business Management at Brunel university. I decided to finish my fear year and then drop out as I was extremely passionate about studying fashion.
A year later, now that I am studying fashion, for me to drop out again is not something I want to do. As I feel like I have wasted 2 years.
It was all very stressful although, I feel like I am now back on track (a few months later). I submitted my zine project and went to almost all the lecturers after that project. my health is a whole lot better although, I do keep having troubles here and there. I am on medication at the moment.