how im feeling

Towards the beginning of the project, I was extremely unmotivated partly due to everything I was going through in term of my health and all the hospital visits. It almost made me very unmotivated, I did not feel like doing work or going to lectures.

I was extremely unwell.

all the injections and medicine made me feel sad and it was all very painful 🙁

This really upset me because I feel like I couldn’t put my full effort into my work and show what I am fully capable of. I love my course, eps the creative side of it. Fashion is something I always wanted to study and it made me upset as I did not get the marks I wanted to for the first few project for this course. Although, all the lecturers were extremely helpful and very understanding of my situation which made me feel a whole lot better. I had a huge discussion with one of the lecturers a few weeks after I came out the hospital and I was asked if I am willing to re-do my year and be in first year again. This was another thing that almost made me very anxious as I do not want to re-do my first year as I was studying in London before, doing Business Management at Brunel university. I decided to finish my fear year and then drop out as I was extremely passionate about studying fashion.

A year later, now that I am studying fashion, for me to drop out again is not something I want to do. As I feel like I have wasted 2 years.

It was all very stressful although, I feel like I am now back on track (a few months later). I submitted my zine project and went to almost all the lecturers after that project. my health is a whole lot better although, I do keep having troubles here and there. I am on medication at the moment.

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