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“History of Jeans and Denim. Jeans are pants made from denim or dungaree cloth. They were invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873 and a worn still but in a different context. Jeans are named after the city of Genoa in Italy, a place where cotton corduroy, called either jean or jeane, was manufactured.”-

Before my denim work shop i pinned some denim inspiration on Pinterest.

A tiny review of the history of the boot.

Boots used to represent ruling power and were worn and associated with the military. Emperors and kings wore them as the majority of the population were barefoot. Leather was expensive, so it signified that you were high up or wealthy. Boots were also worn by the military by the highest ranking officers and the higher the boot the higher you were. As the years went on boots were a must for woman and became very popular- mostly for the more wealthy. The boot became a necessity for woman in order to retain modesty. The boots prevented exposing the female ankle protecting her modesty.9832364314_b8916b74c9

Ankle boots

Whilst I was out I took some pictures of people wearing ankle boots, it was quite hard to find and they weren’t the best shots. But i managed to ask someone some questions about ankle boots-

How do you view ankle boots- “I like to wear them in Autumn and winter periods. I view them as an item of clothing for when the weather is cooler.”

What do ankle boots mean to you- “If i see people start to wear ankle boots i know summer is coming to an end and the weather is becoming colder.”

Why did you choose ankle boots- “The boots worked with my outfit and i saw that the weather forecast was set for rain so i wanted to keep my feet warm.”

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