The quilt is on tour again, this time in London at the Everyday Creativity Conference he stunning Cecil Shar, hosted by Creative Lives and the AHRC funded Everyday Creativity Network at the University of Brighton. Principal Investigator Vanessa Marr presented a paper on the theme of place and homemaking, reflecting on the role home played in making this research output possible.
As she reflected: ‘Taking research into the home is a constructive and disruptive act feminist act, one that challenges notions of ‘proper’ academic research that much like women’s work, are often subject patriarchal forces. Creating a space for myself and others to undertake research at home was enabling rather than restrictive. It was liberating, practical, and possible. It allowed us to be in our own worlds and to perform both our caring and academic roles simultaneously, without judgement, creating not just a quilt, but also a route into our conscious and emotional lives. Our stories are our own, but in this context, they bear witness, intervening in systems and practices and creating in change within selves, communities and cultures where myself and the other participants have the same right to thrive, to be visible and valued, both at university and at home.’
As universities currently review and prepare submissions for the next REF (Research Education Framework) the role of this quilt to highlight the potential loss of outputs from women with caring responsibilities may well become clear. Or perhaps we have all multi-tasked our way through it? Whatever the case, sharing this quilt again brought back memories of lockdown to many of those who attended this event, and it’s clear we’ll be experiencing it ripples for many years to come.