In nowadays we keep speaking about bringing the advantage of technology into the classroom(BYOD): YouTube, using educational website, emails, mobiles, Facebook, Twitter, the internet, different online apps for material designing and for learners to use and conference teaching. There are plenty of online platforms for conference teaching free and commercial: Skype, WizlQ, Edupunk, Adobe Cloud and etc. Some teachers are quite skeptical about using Skype for teaching, as don’t take it seriously, just because this program wasn’t developed for teaching. Saying that, we use YouTube videos for teaching, phones, iPad why not to Skype?
This program offers good acoustic, gives you flexibility, you can choose when to teach and how many hours, have a luxury of using any technology in your virtual classroom. You have an access to up to date online, authentic materials videos, social websites, educational websites, use students’ emails as a teaching material, their presentations (business and etc.), they can record the video conference at work and you can use it as a teaching material.
Video conferencing is getting more popular due to many reasons, but the main one is time.
It’s a great opportunity for student and teacher development. As a student, you have the flexibility to choose the time for lessons, especially if you live in a big city and save time on commuting to school, studying and working around your family.
Synchronously and asynchronously learning.
Online teaching and learning can be synchronous,(face to face, video conferencing, What’s up messaging and etc.),as it does happen in an f2f classrooms, or asynchronously(whenever its participants choose to interact, e.g. emails).This way of teaching and learning is different from traditional planning and participation structures(communication to your tutor only during contact hours). Conference teaching can be very demanding to a teacher but offer plenty of opportunities for learners to communicate. Personally I have to deal with minimum of ten emails, What’s App messages a day: rescheduling or scheduling lessons, listening and checking their Mp3 recording, commenting on their photos they sent to me (new addition to a family, birthday, holiday ,important event), which provides asynchronously learning and gives students extra opportunity to learn and practice formal and informal language.
Teaching online requires good organization skills, as all materials have to be prepared in advanced and it can be time-consuming. It’s very important to keep all materials in one place and have them well organized, so you don’t waste your and student’s time looking for the file and gives you opportunity to keep all materials handy in a case of you need a video to supplement or have useful material to help student in a case of any difficulties in acquiring particular grammar point, vocabulary and etc.
The benefits of conference teaching for learners are endless. It physiologically relaxes students
as they are in a familiar to them atmosphere-their home, with well prepared and organized lesson you don’t notice that you actually learning, for you it’s just a new social site , which encourages students’ intrinsic motivation and they actually looking forward to the lessons. It also gives you an opportunity to do not interrupt you learning process if you have to go away, you simply take it with you.
Instructional time.
Instructional time: ‘is the time when both, teachers and learners have to carefully consider the form and content of their online postings in online venues, Carla, M. and Natasha, A(2010:4). Learners can take an advantage of using online dictionaries, treasures. As for teachers, they have an access to videos, podcasts, can use Mp3player for recording, use programs for video recording the screen, which later can send to a learner if requested or can facilitate of learning a new piece of grammar.
Digital material
One more benefit of conference teaching is the use and access to digital materials. There are plenty of digital materials, which students can use as an extra learning resource. For example, some of my native Russian language learners find using such learning programs such as : ‘Puzzle English’ and ‘ Lingualeo’ quite interesting and engaging. There are many free different ESL podcasts are available for learners to use and learn, they can come with the script, with an explanation of phrases and vocabulary used in podcasts, in slow and normal speed.
The four environments
Teaching online not only gives opportunity for blended learning, multimodality, using digital materials but also gives an opportunity to use four environments enhancing language learning:
1. Written asynchronous environments: an email or a letter composed and comprehended outside of a real time.
2. Written synchronous environments: instant messaging, writing in Skype messenger while teaching, using What’s App .
3. Oral asynchronous environments: TED Talks, Khan Academy, recorded audios(podcasts), videos.
4. Oral synchronous: combining multiple modalities in real time: real-time speech, video, synchronously written messages and visual information .
Also teaching by Skype allows you to record every single lesson, using Evaer Skype video recorder: ( you have to check it with your students first) and use it as an’ evidence’ for parents if you teach children, helps learners to see their progress, their weaknesses and strength , keep a track of learning process or send the video to your colleagues for peer observation, use Mp3 Skype recorder, Skype allows you to have your video on or off to train your learners to understand target language without any body language or physical expression, which you cannot hide in the classroom.
In the article: Mobile pedagogy for English language teaching: a guide for teachers, authors mention using phones, iPad for homework. Why not ask your students to Skype each other as for homework task and record it. You can also Skype to your colleague from any country you want to as your learners will find it interesting meeting students from other countries trying to acquire the language and they will find plenty of questions to ask and chat about.
Jeremy Harmer(2007) , mentioned that one of the best ways to reflect on teaching practice is to become a learner yourself. If you aren’t sure about using Skype for teaching, why not to try to sing up for a foreign language course online and experience and explore the benefits of Skype.
Harmer, J. (2007) The practice of English Language Teaching
Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Lucy Norris and Jim Donohue, Mobile pedagogy for English language teaching: a guide for teachers
Meskill, C, and Anthony, N(2010) Teaching Languages online.