British Science Festival 2017 comes to Brighton

The British Science Association (BSA) provides opportunities for all people to enjoy, explore, investigate and discuss science and it has a wonderful new mission: ‘A society where science is a part of, not set apart from, society and culture’. Historically, going back to 1831, the BSA used to hold annual meetings and it was at these meetings that the major scientific advances were announced. In 2005, these annual meetings became ‘Festivals’, spanning a number of days and open to anyone who is interested to learn about cutting-edge research in science, engineering and technology. Alongside the main Festival programme, there are events aimed at families and schools.

The annual Festival is, indeed, the BSA’s premier programme and is one of Europe’s largest celebration of science, engineering and technology. It has been held in many cities around the UK, including York, Liverpool, Birmingham, Aberdeen and Swansea, the most southerly of these being held in Surrey in 2009. So, it is very pleasing that, in 2017, the British Science Association Festival is coming to the south coast, co-hosted by our University and University of Sussex!

The Festival will provide a fantastic opportunity for the scientists in our two institutions to highlight the amazing research happening in Brighton. There will also be Nobel Prize winners, TV personalities, top researchers, family-friendly presenters and entertainers from around the country who will share their passion for science with the public.

Professor Andrew Lloyd has led our bid and I, for one, know how competitive the bidding process and selection is. I know because my previous institution also applied to host it with what was regarded as a strong bid. So, many congratulations to Andrew and others who supported him! Of course, just like a research bid, the joy of securing the award is almost immediately followed by a realisation of the enormity of what needs to be done to deliver the project! As a University, we are committed to public and community engagement, and this commitment is recognised through such awards, through our performance in REF, and through the fact that many institutions from across the globe regularly visit us to see how we do it. So, I have absolutely no doubt that Andrew will be supported by everyone as he starts planning for this event in collaboration with the University of Sussex.

You can be involved in number of ways and, naturally, I will expect our researchers to nominate themselves to present their research. But, whether presenting or attending, the 5-9th of September 2017 will be a very special week!

On a final note, I am delighted that Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell will be the next president of BSA. With 185 presidents to date and only 9 female presidents, there is some serious catching up to do on that front!

Stern Review of REF and what does it mean for us

In 2006, Professor Nicholas Stern led a review on the Economics of Climate Change. The review was a 700-page report and discussed the effect of global warming on the world economy. A decade later, we now have the report from another Stern review, a review of the Research Excellence Framework. When it was published in July, I was mightily pleased that it was only 56 pages. This meant I could read it almost in one sitting and certainly within 24 hours of its release.

I know there are many articles, blogs and twitter activity under #sternreview and, naturally, I have read all the published views and have been contemplating what this might mean for future assessments and for us at the University of Brighton. Stern proposes that the findings and recommendations are turned into concrete proposals upon which the sector can be consulted by the end of this year, i.e. within 4 months!!

There are, in total, 12 recommendations but the ones that have been the subject of most debate and are likely to strongly influence the shape of future submissions are those listed under Outputs; in particular, proposals on ‘Submission of all research active staff’ and ‘Outputs should not be portable’. So, allow me to talk about these two recommendations in this blog.

I am sharing my views on these points on two levels, as a researcher who has been returned to every exercise since 1996 and as a research leader responsible for our next submission.

Submission of all ‘Research Active’ staff – There are clearly those who strongly favour this approach and those who do not. The call for evidence during the review indicated moderate support from HEIs, individuals and other organisations. In terms of retaining a selective approach, there was equally moderate support among HEIs, but no or limited support from individuals and other organisations consulted. So, if the call for evidence response prevails, this may be a policy which will go forward next time round. Of course, the main issue here is whether this will lead to distinctive demarcation between research and teaching academic careers and, if so, does that matter? Should we not celebrate all that we do and ensure we have clear promotion paths for all? When it comes to staff contracts, I must say I am in agreement with a tweet made on this by David Sweeney from HEFCE which advocated that staff contracts need to be an honest statement of what the employer expects of its staff.

But, how do we define ‘research active’? In my previous institution as Director of Research, I attempted to do this, initially thinking we could have an institution-wide definition. I soon realised that this would not be the case and we ended up with three definitions across five faculties, one of which was: “

“A quasi inductive method is adopted to assess research active or engaged, which is defined as anyone who is undertaking research or transferring knowledge on a consistent basis (currently “consistent” not strictly defined) which is or is seeking to reach the public domain in some commonly understood to be appropriate form or other”.

Which makes me smile every time I read it.

Outputs should not be portable – This recommendation alarmed me most and my discomfort stems from two angles. Firstly, people move jobs. Take me, for example. Since the last exercise, I have published 4 papers in 2014, 8 in 2015 and 9 in 2016. Amongst these, there are at least 10 papers that I would wish to put forward to some sort of assessment prior to next REF submission. Would the University of Portsmouth return my publications now that I have left? What message would a REF sub-panel receive if many of the outputs submitted are by people who have left?
Secondly, there is the impact on the careers of many Early Career Researchers. In my previous post, I chaired all the appointment committees in my Faculty and the great majority of the appointments made were to very bright scientists who had a string of fixed term research contracts and were seeking to establish themselves on an open ended academic contract. The strength of their publications and their potential in future research assessment exercises was always considered. This was not ‘gaming’, in my opinion, and was more about creating opportunities for ECRs. We can now imagine a scenario where a mobile ECR might delay submitting a paper until they have moved institution! Will ‘under review’ be the new game plan?

To conclude, whether we like it or not, REF is here to stay and I, for one, welcome the review recommendation to support excellence wherever it is found.

Week 1 as a PVC R&E!

Well, the 15th of August finally came and, as I arrived at Mithras (a form of Mithra – an Iranian God!) House, I was greeted by Colin, the caretaker, who had been expecting me.  After 16 years of commuting from the Isle of Wight by Hovertravel (affectionately known as Bothertravel), a 15 minute drive to work, admittedly aided by my trusty satnav, was a lovely change. At my office, I was greeted by 20-odd boxes of books and framed pictures, etc. that have followed me from office to office. I must thank the lovely Faculty of Science staff at University of Portsmouth who packed them all up for me and arranged their transport to Brighton.  Thanks to a very efficient PA, Carolyn, we managed to unpack quite quickly and then, as if by magic, a lovely bouquet of flowers arrived from Portsmouth to wish me well!

It will not be a surprise that my first week involved meetings with a number of new colleagues and, for those that I have not met yet, the video below is a greeting from me.

By day two, I had managed to navigate my way round the IT system, staff central etc. and, of course, the email system. I have not used Outlook for over a decade but it does not seem to have changed that much!

I was appointed at the end of February and have been visiting the University since then in preparation for my start.  But, no matter how much you try to prepare and understand in advance, there is nothing quite like a lived experience, although the middle of August and Clearing week is probably not a typical week in any university.

I have tried to be ‘curious’ and ‘actively observe’ and I can already say that we are blessed with some wonderful people who have served the University for a number of years and are eager to embrace changes which could improve our position. This is an absolute blessing for me and I really look forward to working with these colleagues.

Many of my 1:1 meetings this week were with members of the Research Office team and, as an academic researcher who has drawn on the support of such staff at three other universities, I am extremely impressed by how knowledgable, engaged and supportive they are.  I am also particularly impressed that there are almost enough musicians among them to form an ensemble – a bassoonist, pianist, violinists and choral scholars!  I joined some of them for a drink on Wednesday evening and know I will have lots of fun working with them.  I am a passionate believer in having fun at work!

Of course, the A-level results were out and, on Thursday, I popped over to the Clearing HQ at Cockcroft to see how we run this exercise.  My special thanks to Carl Griffiths from Academic Services who spent some time with me explaining how it has been done this year, etc.  It is very professional: to be able to say that calls are answered within 3 seconds will be the envy of many institutions.

I have also been introduced to a novel concept: ‘UniInfo’.  My 300-odd emails on a missing trolley, available folders, tickets for V festival, needs for lifts, railcards and Southern rail, pub quizzes, etc. were not quite what I expected my inbox to be filled with but, apparently, there is a way to deal with it.  Note to self for week 2: make sure I learn how to do this!

Finally, my gratitude to all of you who have welcomed me to the University community so warmly.

Professor Taraneh Dean

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