Ikea’s road to ‘Inteligent Business’

Ikea is a multinational company that most of us are familiar with. Its huge success in the homeware department is no secret to many.

It’s hard to believe that such a successful company was having challenges with its digital presence within and outside the company. Communication within the company seemed to be a common struggle with over 160,000 employees, 365 stores in 45 countries.

It wasn’t until Nathaniel Hansen introduced the Listening Hub that Ikea was really able to distibute data and provide a network of communication. With the help of Brandwatch Vizia this technological platform allows employees and customers in the USA and UK to share and distibute insights about Ikea. This digital platform has helped the company efficently share information, improve on customer service and improve the Ikea brand. This is Ikea’s first step to an ever growing journey to becoming an ‘Inteligent Business’.

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