In order to fully optimise your site, you need people to be attracted to your site and then lead to a purchase. In using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) you are able to utilise your resources to be fully optimising the potential that you could be running at. Once you have fully completed your site to make sure each title, page, tags and content is linked to keywords (on-site SEO); in order to aim higher for yourself, you need to focus on off-site SEO to be able to optimise  your website outside the actual website (Kloostra, 2015). Below is a short video on the importance of SEO to your business.

What does on-site SEO offer you?

On-site SEO is fairly straightforward in comparison to off-site SEO. There are a number of elements to an on-site SEO such as Crawler accessible, meta data and rich snippets, social media network, key words target and Unique value.

Once you have decided on keywords that relate to your pages of your site then you will be able to craft content to those keywords to fully optimise the potential of traffic coming to your pages (Lieberman 2013).


The picture above highlights the whole SEO process and how also shows that for an effective SEO, on-site process plays a critical role (Enge et al., 2012).

1. Social Media Sharing

In order to fully optimise on-site SEO the website must be built to be shared through social media; meaning each page and link has to be compatible with social media in order to work alongside with social media and be shared instantly through a click of a mouse. Currently social media has become a huge platform in providing opportunities to people; especially recently as social share correlate positively to higher rankings during search for company websites. Social media profiles have shown to be effective by boosting your SEO depending on the following in which you have on these profiles (DeMers, 2015). For a company having 100 followers on a social media platform like twitter means that they will have significantly lower rankings compared to a company with over a million followers. This highlights the importance of social media sharing operation on your pages to be fully optimising on-site SEO.


  1. Unique Valuable

An optimised page not only means that you provide ‘unique content’ but you offer ‘unique value’ that makes the customer stay. According to Fishkin (2013) the difference between the two is:

  • ‘Unique content’- means that the words you used (in that particular order) do not appear anywhere else
  • ‘Unique value’- relates to the usefulness and what takeaways that visitor takes from using your page. These are values that cannot be found or seen on any other pages on the web that make them unique to you.

As you can see this is why on-site optimisation is a fundamental process to how the site is portrayed and how the site will be targeted at the right customer coming to your site. As if you have a site that portrays the level of ‘unique value’ offers to people then the rest will follow shortly after from social shares to positive word of mouth (Fishkin, 2013).

However, it’s not all plain sailing, there are some disadvantages to using SEO. You must be fully aware of the advantages of SEO as well as the disadvantages of SEO to truly utilise SEO effectively. Some of the disadvantages include:

  • SEO will take time- It takes time for a website to rank on certain search terms. Some key words are competitive, which means that there are other brands that are competing to rank on the same key words
  • SEO has no guarantee for results- Having your website on the first page of results is a major goal as 75% of search users will most likely never scroll past the first page. There is no guarantee that your website will be on the first page. Further to this being at the top of the first page will allow for more traffic to your website.
  • Market is not static- Fashion retailers do not own their ranking on search engines neither do they own the traffic that is a result of it. Everything is fluid and progressively evolving. Different fashion retailers are continually attempting to take your traffic and sales. Therefore, defending the position of their ranking is extremely important. Without a plan to defend their rankings they cannot expect to see continuing upwards trends.


To conclude, on-site optimisation plays a fundamental role in the success of a SEO campaign. From this blog you can clearly see that there is a link between successful SEO and social media due to the fact that in this day and age social media has become a large and crucial platform for companies to be able to place themselves effectively on the market.


  1. Fishkin, R. (2013) A visual guide to keyword targeting and on-page SEO. [online] < > [Accessed 5 April 2017]
  2. DeMers, J. (2015) 6 Social media practices that boost SEO. [Online] < > [Accessed 5 April 2017]
  3. Enge, E., Spencer, S.M., Stricchiola, J., Fishkin, R. & Treseler, M.E. (2012) The art of SEO, Second edn, O’Reilly, Beijing.