Brighton Student bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

Three university students sharing a laptop

I chose Brighton for the integrated foundation year!

I chose Brighton as it offered me a route into higher education with the course I wanted to pursue.  My A-level results were not great and as a result I didn’t get into university the first time to study sports science. I spent the next couple of months looking at all my options. My mum came up with a list of the top ten jobs that…

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Making a university application on a laptop

I chose Brighton because of the placement opportunities!    

Education BA focuses on so much more than just teaching. It introduces many career opportunities for students to consider like careers advisor, counsellor, play therapist, special educational needs coordinator (SENCO), community education officer and criminal rehabilitation. I have also been fascinated by the different age ranges that the course focuses on. Instead of having to choose either primary or secondary education, I have…

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International college sports team

I chose Brighton because of the students!

When describing Brighton, I would say it’s vibrant, cosmopolitan and a tourist hub! I believe what makes it so unique is the diversity of students living here. There are thousands of students from all over the world. I enjoy hanging out with classmates and friends whether it is during the daytime enjoying the sun, running…

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Does university really help your career?

I’ve always heard mixed opinions about whether or not university prepares you for work life. I had always questioned whether it was better to gain work experience or complete a degree. Could education really prepare me for a career? Clearly, I opted to get my degree, but it wasn’t an easy decision. In this blog piece, I’m going to…

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Ellie selfie

Why I chose to study sport and exercise science (SES)

Joining the SES course back in 2019 was a last-minute decision when I was not accepted onto the Physiotherapy BSc degree. I was advised by the University of Brighton to study years two and three of an SES degree, that would give me the eligibility I needed to study physiotherapy. After completing one year of…

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James studying

Preparing my university application

I was the first in my family to go to university, so when I applied, I was nervous about creating a strong application. I was fortunate to have a supportive sixth form that talked me through the UCAS application process. A significant part of this process is writing a personal statement that you create based…

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Brighton sunset

How I’ve changed at university

University is an amazing experience; you learn so many different skills, both inside and outside of the classroom. Everyone starts university at different points in their life. Some may be 18 and leaving home for the first time, others may be older or staying at home while they study. No matter the circumstance, the university…

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Friends sitting around a laptop

Preparing for university life

On the day I received my results from college and found out I was going to study Multimedia Journalism from the University of Brighton, I was excited. I knew I had so much to prepare for but because I was still abuzz from results day, my mind was running at a mile a minute. I…

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