Final Thoughts

I have enjoyed many parts of my diploma so far, and this reflective blog seems to bring everything together. It has been a chance for me to see how different modules feed into others. This, coupled with the opportunity to observe others and be observed, has given me the chance to try out new strategies and materials. Some of this has been truly nerve wracking, but I have felt supported throughout this whole process, both by my course mates and tutors.

Recording lessons and watching them back has proved incredibly useful. Not only to see where things can be improved, but also to celebrate what works. I’ve even taken to recording lessons  from time to time without it being ‘an observation’ lesson. I’ve done it when trying out a new material or different strategy. I also tried it with a particular grammar lesson I find quite boring to teach and was looking for some inspiration on how to jazz it up a little. It proved really effective.

The last year has been a such a strange journey because of the challenges that the COVID virus has given us all. Trying new ways of teaching, making the best of a difficult situation and acknowledging that I can’t always get things right. It’s also been interesting because I have seen the challenges from both a teaching and student learning perspective.

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to participle in this Reflective blog and am so grateful to have had Sian and Anna to share the experience with.


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