Beyond Retro: Vintage Clothes (Part 1)

Beyond Retro


Beyond Retro is a clothing business that has a huge and realtively cheap selection of – you guessed it – retro clothing. The business was opened back in 2009 but it is thriving in a town that has a such a obsession with retro fasion.

The purpose of the business’s website is to help potential customers see what products that they have to offer and other useful information such as delivery times, store locations etc.

The Value Propostion for Beyond Retro is good quality retro clothing and accesscories for reasonable prices. The whole experience of going into a store and looking around at all the clothes and picking up something nice for cheap is a unique experience and can leave happier than if they were to spend double the money on something brand new in a high street clothing chain.

The business model is to buy used/retro clothing as cheap as possible (in bulk preferably) and sell the products on for more than what they were purchased for. The demand for retro clothing guarantees that for the forseeable future, the business will be able to operate profitably and thrive.

The revenue model for the business is dictated by competitors pricing and the quality of the goods sold. The pricing for individual items can differ immensely depending on brands, rarity, condition etc. Simply having the lowest price won’t ensure more customers and employing a premium pricing method might hurt the business if they are failing to appeal to the masses.


