The Seven P’s in relation to Beyond Retro
The products that Beyond Retro sell are clothing and accessories mostly. The main theme is that most of the clothes are second hand but are in good condition and also still fashionable. There can be designer brands or no brands on the items at all but either in store or online, support is available if needed. Warranties for the clothing lasts up 2 weeks and after that it is no longer returnable.
The Price Positioning for Beyond Retro towards low price and middle quality as the majority of products are second hand, thus disminishing there quality and also their re-sell value. Payment is easy as it can be done multiple ways either in store or online. Beyond Retro also have a points system to reward customers who purcahse often from them with such rewrds being: Free Delivery Offers, Double Points, £5/£10 Rewards.
The Business has a large precense on social media with accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pintrest. The main focus for the social media sites is to promote the business and also build relationships with potential and exisiting customers also.
The business operates both online and with their physical stores. Both places have sales support too. Beyond Retro operates through the Direct Sales Channel.