Individual Reflection


The planning for our presentation was smooth and we discussed in advance when we should meet, do work and have a mock presentation to make sure that it all went to plan on the day.


Our group was very organised, and we never had any issues with falling behind or misunderstanding what we wanted to produce. When it came to presenting we all spoke coherently and we sounded professional.


When we were assigned the task, our group all joined together to discuss potential businesses for our presentation and after we all returned from Christmas we began to start work on the PowerPoint. We spread out the workload evenly so that we all have slides to work on and talk about.


All members of our group were involved and gave input where it could be relevant. There were some issues with a member in our group who joined our group quite late and did not have as much input as the rest of our group, but they still contributed where possible.

Skill progression

I developed multiple skills during my group work such as: time management, research skills and teamwork skills. Having to critically analyse the digital marketing presence of Zaful, proper and well thought out research had to be done to ensure we identified the right areas for improvement.

ASOS: Traffic Buidling (Lecture 11)

My chosen industry is the clothing industry and my chosen business is ASOS. They are a large clothing business that sells all around the world and provides a vast array of clothing and accessories.

As seen above, when “clothing online” is typed in on Google, ASOS is the 3rd highest organic search result. This could be due how popular the business is or maybe due to the words ‘clothes’ and ‘online’ both being in the search result name.

As for they’re social media presences, they have a accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more. For Twitter, the ASOS account has over 1 million followers and 224K tweets which shows a high level or user engagement and constant media presence.

Using 3 search results, I couldn’t find any Pay Per Click advertsing.


(Written by University of Brighton student)

Beyond Retro: Vintage Clothes (5s Framework in practice)


The purpose of ‘Sell’ is to encourage customers to purchase from our business via all the channels that they operate through. Our business has multiple real-world shops and a website that sells to people all over the world. The online store has a much larger range of products than in store and has the opportunity to offer more discounts.


Beyond Retro serve customers online by adding dicsounts via their ‘Beyond Retro Points’ system which rewards customers for purchasing more and often. Also, there is a chat option near the bottom right of the page when it is first loaded which allows the user to ask questions whilst on the webstie. This ensures the user has their questions answered and they also stay on the business’s website.


Beyond Retro has a blog which discusses new fashion, trends and general news regarding the business. As for analysing the website traffic and analytics, Google Analytics or other services can be used with ease to find out customer preferences and behaviours.


The automated chat feature saves money as it means that no person or call centre will be paid for to answer customer queries.


Beyond Retro: Vintage Clothes (Part 3) [Unfinished]

The Seven P’s in relation to Beyond Retro


The products that Beyond Retro sell are clothing and accessories mostly. The main theme is that most of the clothes are second hand but are in good condition and also still fashionable. There can be designer brands or no brands on the items at all but either in store or online, support is available if needed. Warranties for the clothing lasts up 2 weeks and after that it is no longer returnable.


The Price Positioning for Beyond Retro towards low price and middle quality as the majority of products are second hand, thus disminishing there quality and also their re-sell value. Payment is easy as it can be done multiple ways either in store or online. Beyond Retro also have a points system to reward customers who purcahse often from them with such rewrds being: Free Delivery Offers, Double Points, £5/£10 Rewards.


The Business has a large precense on social media with accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pintrest. The main focus for the social media sites is to promote the business and also build relationships with potential and exisiting customers also.


The business operates both online and with their physical stores. Both places have sales support too. Beyond Retro operates through the Direct Sales Channel.






Beyond Retro: Vintage Clothes (Part 2)

Beyond Retro

The Websites Role

The role of Beyond Retro’s website is not necessarily to build relationships with customers or to develop an online community but to act as a means for customers to browse and purchase products online.

According to Simeon (1999), the effectiveness of a website can be judged upon 4 key factors: Attracting, Informing, Positioning and Delivery.


Attracting concerns the brand name, ads, media etc. For the chosen website, the brand name itself is not generic and is short & sweet. As for media on the webpage, there are many dynamic pictures and videos which engage the user and also promote clothes, sales and discounts.


This concerns user-friendliness, the general interface and info conents on the website. As for user-friendliness, the website excels as it is easily navigatable for users with even low web-browsing experience and all links are clear from the background. The interfce follows somewhat of a pattern as links are often paired together horizontally on the webpage as you scroll down.


Prices are not displayed on the home page you first see when you arrive on the website and I believe this is a good thing as it have the cost of items on the front page can come across negatively as suppose to letting the user get accustomed to the website first and letting them find products first. The variety of products on the website is huge and with retro clothing being a fashionable trend right now, the variety will more-than-likely get larger as time goes on too.


Thankfully Beyond Retro offers returns within 14 days of purchase but customers can not return items bought online in store. As for payment methods, Paypal or normal debit/credit cards can be used.


Consumer segmentation and characteristics


The chosen business has both an online and offline precense. The business obviously has a website which can be accessed globally but they also have real world stores which can be visted but they are less accessible for customers as there are only a few.


The age group for the chosen business is anywhere between 18 all the way up to around 35. Retro fashion is always in demand by all ages and genders but Beyond Retro is visted by roughly a 64% female audience. The types of social groups who would use our business is different to the sort of groups that would perhaps be more students and ‘trendy’ adults with an eye for fashion.


The website had roughly 865,000 visitors last month and the website had a 38.69% bounce rate showing that more than half the visitors stuck around on the website. Most of the users who were brought to the website via another site usually come from Youtube ad’s and also from within the UK.


The sort of lifestyle the people who use our business have is hard to tell from web analytics but some of the common interets of users who visit the site are clothes shopping, antiques & collectibles etc. (Similar Web, 2018)


As stated before, the location of the majority of the users is the UK with an fairly large audience Sweden.




Pro Tip: How to evaluate a website and its effectiveness (Accessed 22/10/18)*/999/3m?audienceInterestsTable_page=1  (29/10/18)

Beyond Retro: Vintage Clothes (Part 1)

Beyond Retro


Beyond Retro is a clothing business that has a huge and realtively cheap selection of – you guessed it – retro clothing. The business was opened back in 2009 but it is thriving in a town that has a such a obsession with retro fasion.

The purpose of the business’s website is to help potential customers see what products that they have to offer and other useful information such as delivery times, store locations etc.

The Value Propostion for Beyond Retro is good quality retro clothing and accesscories for reasonable prices. The whole experience of going into a store and looking around at all the clothes and picking up something nice for cheap is a unique experience and can leave happier than if they were to spend double the money on something brand new in a high street clothing chain.

The business model is to buy used/retro clothing as cheap as possible (in bulk preferably) and sell the products on for more than what they were purchased for. The demand for retro clothing guarantees that for the forseeable future, the business will be able to operate profitably and thrive.

The revenue model for the business is dictated by competitors pricing and the quality of the goods sold. The pricing for individual items can differ immensely depending on brands, rarity, condition etc. Simply having the lowest price won’t ensure more customers and employing a premium pricing method might hurt the business if they are failing to appeal to the masses.




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