The story that this case study essentially revolves around is how the Digital Development team at Inter IKEA Systems selected a Digital Development team, known as The Socializers, to help pioneer social change inside the organization. The first step towards achieving social intelligence within the organization was creating a Listening Hub; a physical space, strategically placed at the Inter IKEA Systems headquarters to help senior staff as well as other teams to observe and engage with each other . This has been further explained through highlighting the key goals, challenges faced as well as the solution/outcome of setting up the Listening Hub.
Key Takeaways:
In accordance with Hans Gartner, Digital Development at Inter IKEA Systems B.V, “The Listening Hub provides stakeholders real insights into life at home for customers who are talking about IKEA online.”
Establishing a Listening Hub ultimately helped prove to the organization that social data can have myriad beneficial applications and encouraged positive change across the enterprise.
- Setting up a Listening hub has enabled sharing and directing information to the appropriate departments for action, where a tangible culture of wisdom and experience sharing was emerging.
To be continued.. 🙂
Would like to know more! Nice topic. Keep up the good work.