Making the Invisible Visible

Legend or Myth QR Codes Explored

Cultural and Contextual Research

The following workbook/post entries explore how to create meaning and narrative through the combination of environment and folklore using Q R Codes as a base point.


These ideas have been applied to the development of the brief with the aim of further production at a later stage. The first idea is a myth located in the heart of Worthing. There stands a hollowed oak tree. Legend, or myth, has it that skeletons rise from the ground every Midsummers Eve and then proceed to haunt the town until first light. As a starting point I have researched local legends in particular this 500 year old oak located in Broadwater. I would like to build a tour of the area with integrated media and QR codes as a guide of the area in addition to a map of the town with various folklores as point of interest.

I have conducted several research paths for this work including storyboard structures and meta narratives of folklore.


The work of Ray Harryhausen 1920 – 2013


photo-2 Jason and the Argonauts.

 An American-British visual effects creator, writer, and producer who created a form of stop-motion model animation known as “Dynamation.” It was on The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms that Harryhausen first used a technique he created called “Dynamation” that split the background and foreground of pre-shot live action footage into two separate images into which he would animate a model or models so seemingly integrating the live-action with the models. The background would be used as a miniature rear-screen with his models animated in front of it, re-photographed with an animation-capable camera to combine those two elements together, the foreground element matted out to leave a black space. Then the film was rewound, and everything except the foreground element matted out so that the foreground element would now photograph in the previously blacked out area. This created the effect that the animated model was “sandwiched” in between the two live action elements, right into the final live action scene. In addition to this research I have sourced a Radio 4 Documentary about Fairytales and Folklore.

BBC Radio 4 – Archive on 4, What Big Teeth You Have…

Further research: Ridley and Tony Scott A life in a Day Documentary

Peter and the Wolf


The Skeleton Fight 1963 film Jason and the Argonauts features a climatic scene where according to Greek mythology Acete conjures an army of skeletons by scattering Hydras children’s teeth onto sacred ground. These are the initial sketches of the scene. The following are samples of the sequence storyboarded to assist further with the animation.


Working on additional media setups



Using tracing paper I have set up a rough sequence of images with the background of the tree.


Using this pivotal scene I storyboarded the opening sequence of the skeletons rising from the ground and then photographing each one created alternate layers of film, editing it in Photoshop. A rough drawing of the town with key legends or myths to follow, each one QR Coded with the guidance of the lecturer using the QR code generator.

Final Gif


Further concepts for this brief are The Spooky Guest House, located on the map.


The Shadowboy Storyboards : The Barn Locative Narrative




Located near where I live sits an empty barn. Using this derelict building as the basis for my story The Shadowboy I intend to build a narrative based on this environment.

The Outline

There once were two friends who one day whilst outplaying come across a remote field. In the distance they see a scarecrow. Curious, they approach. As they get nearer they notice a deserted barn behind where the scarecrow stands. The barn looks empty with its windows boarded up and a huge stable door nailed shut. Suddenly they see something moving from inside, within the shadows….

Rough concept drawings of the barn and characters.



Rough Layout Design:

Experimenting with the layout I tried to create a panoramic opening to the first scene then directly underneath provide a brief glimpse of the back story before finally using two boxes, one on top of the other, to show the pivotal main character of the scarecrow. The use of the telephone wires are a deliberate signifier to a carry the story onwards towards the direction of the barn whilst basing the location in a tangible reality.


Critical Analysis

Visually I think my animation is scrappy and underdeveloped however it does convey the general idea if the experience intended. I think I could have paid greater attention to the overall composite and structure of the QR code project, developing technically the ideas to be more coherent and experimenting more with the final outcome.

Regarding the storyboards: The introduction to utilising our environment and therefore structuring a narrative was really enjoyable. Within the storyboard i created a brief outline of a broader story based around one component i.e. the barn that can be developed. Using  key elements like shadows and isolation the structure was built as a semantic exercise  relying only on these components to propel the narrative. This is a project I would like to explore at a later stage and attempt of more polished final piece.