A look into beauty blogging and what you can learn from the best!

Beauty blogging in the past few years has become the rage! As an avid makeup lover myself – I spend hours trolling the internet, hunched over my laptop in search of the latest beauty trends! Thanks to all the beauty bloggers out there it has now become a lot easier to find out what great products to use and how the hell to use them!

woman  applying dry cosmetic tonal foundation  on the face



Before delving into looking at some of the biggest and best beauty bloggers out there, here’s a background perspective on blogging in general.

So what is a blog? A blog can be described as an online frequently updated webpage with a series of chronological collections of personal commentary and links.(Educause,2005,Nardi et al 2004)

How exactly does it work? The basic format of a blog consists of bloggers entering posts into the blogging platform of their choice, adding formatting or hyperlinks, and publishing the post ready for the world to view.(Educause,2005)Blogs are primarily text-based, however they will most likely also include images, links and other multimedia content. (Blood,2002) Many blogs now are completely created in a video format; these are known as V-Logs and are very popular in the beauty blogging world. (Molyneaux et al., 2008)

Who can get involved in blogging? Beauty bloggers are not the only type of mediators out there, blogs can be for anyone! Any individual can start up their own blog and communicate on what topic they fancy or have personal knowledge on. (Thevenot,2007) Companies can start corporate blogs in order to communicate with consumers. And there are educational blogs (Edublogs).(Educause,2005)

From the arrival of the first blog tools, blogging has developed and evolved from originally being a format for the publication of personal diaries to an acknowledged and valued tool for discussion and promotion on specific topics, to a potentially worldwide audience. (Educause,2005. Lang,2005)

Critics state that the rapid increase in the popularity of blogging applications over the past few years can be attributed to the following factors:

  1. Independent Expression -> Blogs allow unique self-expression , through which bloggers edit and self-present themselves in how they want the world to view them.(Herring et al,2005)
  2. Easy Access -> There are a number of websites now which make constructing and updating your website easily done, even for those with little technological intelligence. (Liao et al,2011)
  3. Communities -> As with all aspects of social media, the popularity and community element is appealing. Bloggers can form tight knit communities around discourse on subjects and watch their popularity rise over the internet if their content leads to success. (Chin & Chignell,2006)


Beauty Blogging

Now let’s get specific on beauty blogging. It’s pretty self-explanatory what needs to be included in your blog to become a beauty blogger- ANYTHING ON BEAUTY BABY! It can be from how to get the perfect manicure, too what products to use to get gorgeous curls in your hair.

What websites to use ?

As mentioned there are a range of website you can use to set up your own blog but these are two of the most used:



If you wish to buy your own domain name to personalise your URL, here is a host provider  GoDaddy.


The next section will be looking at some examples of the most popular beauty bloggers  who fuel our addiction to everything beautiful in life, and the reasons how they have made it to my top 3!



Quite frankly it  has been Zoella’s year! From starting out at the age of 16 using her blog to get creative, she now dominates the beauty blogging world and even has her own book out! Zoella like many other beauty bloggers is manly a V-logger these days, in which she uses her own Youtube channel to provide her fans with all the video tutorials they could want.


Youtube: 7.9 million 

Instagram: 4.3 million 

Twitter: 3.2 million

What i think makes Zoella stand out from many other beauty bloggers is the charismatic qualities she adds into each video, her narrative commentary doesn’t make you wanna fall asleep mid curling your hair, no – it  in fact keeps your attention on the video for longer if anything. The videos are always in a light, bright setting , with the use of a direct title to attract as many searchers as possible.

2. Pixiwoo


Pixiwoo is a make up artist sister act, who have become famous in the beauty world for their knowledge and experience. They have decided to share this knowledge with the world in the format of their beauty articles, interviews and videos.

Youtube:1.8 million

Instagram: 442 thousand 

Twitter: 214 thousand 


Everything about the sisters seem professional and slick, just the way we like our beauty. Obviously a start up beauty blogger will not be able to have the established basis of being a recognised make-up artist, however what Pixiewoo does in their videos is create unique content. Try and create a range of content in your videos, don’t get stuck on just showing product demonstrations or reviews – think outside the box.

 What to learn from these beauty bloggers:

  • Create a blog which catches the attention of your audience, design it with a clear readable format and embed social media links to make it easy for the reader to navigate from your different multi channel platforms. Put easily accessible links to previous blog articles.
  • Its all about the content of your articles to ensure your readers will subscribe and come back for more. Give your own unique opinion on products and give your readers an all clear on purchasing the product they’ve been debating about.
  • If you plan on vlogging,  place yourself in a bright room with a background that matches the theme of your youtube channel.Listen to what your audience says to find ways to engage with them, make it something fun to watch.




Educause. (2005). 7 Things You Should Know About Blogs. Available: https://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7006.pdf. Last accessed 18/4/15.

Thevenot,G. (2007). Blogging as social media . Tourism and Hospitality research. 7 (3/4), 282-289.

Blood R (2002) The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.

Nardi BA, Schiano DJ, Gumbrecht M, et al. (2004b) Why we blog. Communications of the ACM 47(12): 41–46.

Molyneaux H, Gibson K, O’Donnell S, et al. (2008) New visual media and gender: a content, visual and audience analysis of YouTube Vlogs.Proceedings of the international communication association annual conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, 22–26

Lang EM (2005) Would you, could you, should you blog? Journal of Accountancy 199(6): 36–41.

Liao HL, Liu SH and Pi SM (2011) Modelling motivations for blogging: an expectancy theory analysis. Social Behavior and Personality 39: 251–264.

Herring SC, Kouper I, Paolillo JC, et al. (2005) Conversations in the blogosphere: an analysis ‘from the bottom up’. In: Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii international conference on systems scienceS: IEEE Press

Chin A and Chignell M (2006) Finding evidence of community from blogging co-citations: a social network analytic approach. In: Proceedings of the IADIS international conference on web based communities New York: ACM, pp. 191–200.

Chin A and Chignell M (2006) A social hypertext model for finding community in blogs. Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on hypertext and hypermedia: Tools for supporting social structures, Odense, pp. 11–22. New York: ACM Press

5 Comments on A look into beauty blogging and what you can learn from the best!

  1. Smithk233
    April 22, 2015 at 7:00 am (10 years ago)

    I gotta preferred this web web page it appears very valuable quite advantageous kekeedkakceekeff

  2. Bisnis
    September 2, 2023 at 12:30 am (1 year ago)

    Artikel yang bagus

  3. auraskinpro
    April 23, 2024 at 5:26 am (9 months ago)

    Exploring the world of beauty blogging offers a treasure trove of insights. From skincare to makeup, the best bloggers teach us the importance of authenticity, expertise, and engagement. By studying their strategies and content, we uncover valuable lessons on creating compelling, informative, and inspiring beauty content. Dive in and let the learning journey begin!

  4. auraskinpro
    May 24, 2024 at 10:42 am (8 months ago)

    Great insights! This article beautifully highlights the creativity and dedication behind successful beauty blogs. Learning from top bloggers about content creation, audience engagement, and authenticity is invaluable. It’s inspiring to see how they build their brands and connect with readers. Perfect motivation for anyone looking to start or improve their beauty blog!

  5. Steve
    December 4, 2024 at 1:03 am (1 month ago)

    Cuando se trata de buscar los mejores regalos para novia parа bodas, la
    tarea pսede parecer abrumadora en el vasto
    mercado Ԁe hoy.


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