Sicily Fieldtrip 2015

There and back again, a Geographers tale…

March 11, 2015
by Robert Strick

Busy time for volcanoes

It seems to be a busy time globally for volcanology. The recent eruption of Villarrica in Chilli on March the 3rd sent ash and lava up into the sky! Reportedly seen from up to 100 km away. Over two thousand people were evacuated from Pucon, and another thousand from Panguipulli. Local authorities were particularly concerned that mudslides caused by the melting snow could endanger the nearby communities, highlighting the dynamic and varied nature of this type of environmental hazard. Luckily, no injuries have been reported thus far. The ash from the volcano could also pose a hazard to health. Meteorologists currently expect the ash cloud to be blown south and across remote parts of Argentina.


Before and after image of the eruption, notice the extensive snow melt around the right flank of the volcano.

Before and after image of the eruption, notice the extensive snow melt around the right flank of the volcano.

Looking at the week ahead, the weather seems to to be improving, hopefully it can crack up a few degrees more in time for our visit to Sicily, ten days and counting!!

The weather in Catania for next week, just before the trip

The weather in Catania for next week, just before the trip

UPDATE: 12/03/2015

NASA’s Earth Observatory has some really nice Landsat images of the before and after and also a great side on view of how the eruption has stripped away the snow!

Eruption of Villarrica Volcano

Check out for more information and high res versions of the images.

March 4, 2015
by Robert Strick

Latest Etna Activity

Check out Brois’ twitter feed (Brois Twitter)  for up-to-date news and pics from Mumma Etna, like this great shot from the 27th of Feb.

Etna on a clear late february day, as seen from Brois' home.

Etna on a clear late february day, as seen from Brois’ home.

According to the Global Volcanism Program “During improved viewing conditions on the evening of 1 February, volcanologists observed Strombolian activity from a single vent in the saddle between the cones of the Southeast Crater (SEC). Explosions occurred every few seconds and ejected incandescent bombs 200 m high. At the same time a vent at the base of the southern SEC cone issued a lava flow that traveled 2 km S, dividing into two branches. At dawn on 2 February the Strombolian activity produced a dense ash cloud that drifted E. At about 0550 emissions stopped and volcanic tremor suddenly decreased.”

Looks like Mumma Etna is quite active at the moment, lets hope we get to see something when we’re over, although lets also hope she doesn’t decide to get angry when we want to travel…

Check out Global Volcanism Program for all the latest updates on Etna.


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