Why Facebook “likes” say more than you think

Facebook is changing the way that organisations market to their target audience. It is transforming the traditional one-way communication whereby a target audience passively take in what is being advertised to them, into two-way communication which allows the target audience to participate more in what it is they are viewing through engaging, commenting and sharing with an organisation.

Users on the social media platform are faced on a daily basis with pages popping up on their newsfeed encouraging them to “like” the content that is being displayed, whether it be a page for a University or for a retail brand. This simple click displaying a like in a particular product or service can be used by organisations. They can use it to effectively target their Facebook advertising content at potential consumers who have displayed an interest in a  product/service which is similar or corresponds with what it is they are promoting. For example, a beauty product at users who have possessed likes in beauty brand Facebook pages i.e. Loreal.

Jennifer Golbeck, director of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland, has produced varying studies into the way that people use social media. Her view is that users of Facebook should have the choice as to whether what they display an interest in on the social media platform is used by organisations for their marketing activities.

Do you agree with Jennifer and feel that Facebook users should have the right to say “I don’t want this to be used”? Or do you feel that targeting through Facebook likes is a beneficial tool to be adapted into business marketing activities and means that the content users view is tailored to their wants and needs?

Why not watch what Jennifer has to say and comment your thoughts and opinions below…

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