Category Research News

Research news, book publications, and Centre member activities

Research News | Visiting Fellow – Suzanne Dhaliwal

Welcome to our Visiting Fellow 2020 Suzanne Dhaliwal. Suzanne is a highly regarded and influential climate justice creative and strategist who brings an important critical lens to the functioning of privilege and power within the climate movement. She was voted… Continue Reading →

Research News | Visiting Fellow – Stanley Thangaraj

Stanley Thangaraj is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the City College of New York (CUNY). His interests are at the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, and citizenship.  He studies immigrant and refugee communities in the U.S. South to understand… Continue Reading →

Research News | Visiting Fellowship Applications for 2020 now open

The Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics has an annual round of inviting applications for Visiting Research Fellows, including theoretical research, practice-based research and enterprise-related research (community or industry engagement). The aim of the selective scheme is to provide… Continue Reading →

Research News | Visiting Fellowship Applications for 2020 now open

The Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics has an annual round of inviting applications for Visiting Research Fellows, including theoretical research, practice-based research and enterprise-related research (community or industry engagement). The aim of the selective scheme is to provide… Continue Reading →

Research News | ‘Sounds to Keep’ – An exciting internship project on sound, community engagement and well-being

SECP Doctoral student, Bethan Prosser, has successfully secured internship funding from the South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership to work on an exciting project that will explore the use of sound as a tool for community engagement, wellbeing and research.  Hosted… Continue Reading →

Research News | New funding for energy justice research

New University of Brighton Lecturer and SECP member, Kirsten Jenkins, has gained early funding success for her work on smart technologies and Energy Justice. Kirsten, who joined the University as a Lecturer in the School of Environment and Technology this… Continue Reading →

Research News | Women and Climate Change: Creative Collaborations

SECP Director, Prof. Julie Doyle, has been invited to participate in a prestigious Fellowship Programme, ‘Under Her Eye’, which gives twelve early career women aged 18-30 the opportunity to explore the relationship between art and science to produce new artwork… Continue Reading →

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