There were a number of resources for Personal Tutors that were mentioned in the L&T awayday:
Cause for Concern Framework:
You can also find key university policies, such as the ‘Mental Health Policy’ and ‘Student Bullying and Harassment Policy’ in the Key Documents section on the Student Services homepage:
Accommodation issues:
Martin Barr, Student Liaison Manager
Tel: 079 033 63861
Andrew Keeffe, Community Liaison and Housing Advice officer: 01273 641894 or email:
Student services have a rota for ‘cause for concern’ issues. You can contact them via front of house desk: 01273 643584.
Independent telephone counselling service for staff (DAS) have helpline: 0117 934 2121 (office hours) and 0344 893 9012 (24 hours) or 0844 893 9012.
Occupational health can provide access to staff welfare advice service. Contact Occ. Health on: 01273 643579