IKEA: Using Social Media as a Tool

IKEA is multinational group of companies that was originally founded in Sweden. It is now the world’s largest furniture retailer but still keeps its Swedish culture in its designs. IKEA employ almo

IKEA Store

st 160,000 people across 365 stores in 45 countries. The retailer designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture.

The case study, ‘IKEA & The Socializers’, is about IKEA using a social media as a tool to create relationships with their customers. They planned to do this by discovering insights into how their customers felt about their products, and how they could potentially fix any issues they might have with their products or service.

I believe that this can be a very successful strategy as it is a very fast and simple way to connect to customers. IKEA will have the opportunity to structure strong customer relationships. This is because they will be able to help customers quickly and efficiently, with anyone to be able to view it on their social media sites. This is likely to lead to repeat purchase.

Social media can also be quite dangerous because if customers are writing negative
things about IKEA, anyone can still view this, which means that they may think negatively about IKEA as a brand or their products and services that they offer.



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