Product Specification (20%)


  1. Technical Specification
  2. Materials & Manufacture
  3. Societal Implications

Technical Specification

  1. Each section of the pillar must weigh a maximum of 10 kilograms.

BS ISO 11228:2003 outlines clear equations when calculating the maximum weight a product could be, calculated from carrying frequency, distance, and mass. It had been calculated, from user interviews, that users would be transporting pieces of the device at a frequency of one a minute, up to a distance of 20 meters, resulting in a maximum carrying capacity of 15 kilograms. Reducing this maximum will ensure the safety of the user during transportation. (1)

2. The device must be capable of sensing pastoral herds as they pass through their livestock corridors.

Autonomy is the main theory behind Murhal’s concept, ensuring the device is able to sense these herds and capture relevant data is vital to the specification of the device.

3. The device must be able to gather at least 3 separate pieces of valuable data.

Interviews with current researchers outlined the vast swathes of information they are currently lacking. They theorized that in order to make these devices worthwhile, the devices must gather at least 3 different pieces of data e.g. cattle size, temperature, location, etc.

4. The device must be able to withstand temperatures ranging between 0 Degrees Celsius and 50 Degrees Celsius.

These two numbers are the two extremes that the Sahel’s temperature has been recorded to reach. As the device is going to be left in the field, it is important to ensure that its working temperature is between these two numbers.

5. The device must be camouflaged at a distance of 40 meters.

BS EN ISO-IEC 27002 states “information processing facilities handling sensitive data should be positioned carefully to reduce the risk of information being viewed by unauthorized persons during their use;” (2).  

6. The camera must be located at least 1.8 meters above ground level.

The maximum height of the 95th percentile of cattle is 1.7 meters. Making sure the camera is above that will ensure that the likelihood of photos of the surround landscape being obscured by cattle is minimal.

7. The product must release reassuring sound feedback, when constructed properly, at a frequency between 1720 Hz – 3150 Hz and volume between 55 and 65 decibels.

Research showed that frequencies between 1720 Hz – 3150 Hz can be related to high quality and sturdiness, similar to high-quality car doors shutting (3). Furthermore, it can easily be heard by almost anyone.  65 decibels is the level at which normal conversations are measured at. It is important to ensure that this noise is loud enough to be heard over a low background noise.

8. Assessing which components have failed must be able to be completed with no knowledge of electronics and basic knowledge of the device.

Regularly, it is certain components that will make the whole product fail. These components must be easily identified by a local field researcher, who can then notify the relevant parties.Focuses upon maintenance must enable maintenance tasks to be completed effectively, efficiently, and with satisfaction.” (4)

9. All information on the device must be conveyed via universal symbols which can be easily understood in any language.

Interviews revealed problems concerning language barriers. “many of the field researchers that would be checking on these devices would read and speak Arabic, making the devices identification significantly harder for them if it were to be written in English.”  Dr Helen Young, nutritional field researcher operating in Sudan. Ensuring these field researchers can also operate the device is important in terms of usability.

Materials & Manufacture

The product manufacture is split into two sections the electronics and the casing.



Price: £1.36 per unit at 1,000 orders

GPS Receiver

Price: £10.99


Price: £3.79

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module

Price: £0.43

9 x LEDs

Price: £0.08 per unit


The casing is a little harder to quantify. Murhals casing has been designed to be constructed from recycled materials found throughout the Sahel, such as broken tap stands. (6) Furthermore, the construction of this casing is actually going to be done in the local markets, where extremely skilled metalworkers are struggling to find work.

I must apologies for the watermarks in the photos. Finding photos of these workshops is extremely difficult due to the volatile areas they are located in.


Societal Implications

Significant thought had to be given to the ethics surrounding capturing and storing data in the field autonomously. As mentioned earlier, BS EN ISO-IEC 27002 states “information processing facilities handling sensitive data should be positioned carefully to reduce the risk of information being viewed by unauthorized persons during their use;” Because of this, not only will each device come with 2 camouflaged sleeves, one for the dry season and one for the rainy season, all data stored on the device would be encrypted. I do understand encryption does have its flaws, however, these flaws tend to all either originate internally or via extremely high tech hacking technology. Being entirely realistic, it has to be taken into account the environment these pillars would be in. The resources thieves would have access too would not be enough to crack the data’s encryption and the encryption key would only be available to high ranking academics who would only want to see their research come into fruition. To quote a researcher about how they felt before going into the field. “I feel enthusiastic and very motivated to go into the field and meet new people, cultures, and landscapes. I love this part of my job as it reminds me of the people we are out here to help.”

Sourcing parts of the manufacture of these devices from local markets would bring much-needed help to these people’s lives.  Currently, metalworkers throughout Sudan are having to source jobs from other professions. Providing this work would help these metalworkers retain their way of life.


(1) BS ISO 11228-1:2003, Ergonomics — Manual handling — Part 1: Lifting and carrying

(2) BS EN ISO/IEC 27002:2017, Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for information security controls

(3) Decibel Hearing Service,

(4) ISO 9241-11:2018 Ergonomics of human-system interaction — Part 11: Usability: Definitions and concepts


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